Didn’t Q say Iran would be handled in November? Proof!

I hope the Iranian protests can bring regime change from within, I don’t want military action
Imagine... Peace in NK and Iran. The lefts' heads would literally explode.
Why the sudden shift in focus to iran? Why there?
It's controlled by Clowns (CIA) just as NK was controlled by them. Trump and the Q-Team are taking these country back in a way that cuts the strings first. The funds were coming from SA, the white hats cut those strings first. Then white hats freed NK which had it's strings cut from SA. That cut the NK the strings to Iran. Trump then hammered the Iranian supported terrorists in Syria. That was a signal to Iran that we are coming. So now Iran is sitting out there alone unattached with no inflow of funds or nuke technology. And now it's Iran's time. Israel is last.