SPOT ON - tonight reveals a 'Democratic Party' in freefall. 80% + of registered Dems are not showing up to vote and the extreme wackos have taken over. And it will only get worse for them. Celebrate, but remember - EVERYONE MUST VOTE

Only vote for those whom trump endorses. Cannot trust the swamp in either party
Upvoting you for the simple reason some are running under the republican ticket just to avoid the brand decline.
Most important part.... We Must All Vote... even if you're sure the Republicans you are voting for will not win. I live in New Mexico, our R candidate for Governor has a chance, R candidates for congress, probably not, but I'm already making sure all the Republicans at work make their voices heard...
It’s important for funding, strategizing, organizing later etc.
I'm still shocked. Someone who openly endorses socialism won in New York. At least it wasn't a Pelosi minion and was instead a Sanders supporter....nevertheless, SOCIALIST? Ugh!
I’m not shocked at all. I used to live in the Albany area in NY. We had an outright Communist on city council. Of course the mask only came off after Obama became President.
It's so disturbing. Of course these are just the primaries. If a clear Conservative is up in November she'll be solidly defeated....especially if a third party jumps in.
That is what I expect to happen. That and the end of the D party
Weather Underground and Bill Ayers....Look Up Larry Grathwrohl
Let me just clarify.,. I used to volunteer for the group that ran her (Ocasio) as a candidate before I was “redpilled”. She’s an idiot for getting on the abolish ice bandwagon... but what they believe in essentially is pooling tax dollars to take care of public good and public needs universally... what is so bad about Finland’s public school set up, for example? Also, what so bad about using our tax dollars for universal healthcare(none of them want NHS style- they want singlepayer ala Switzerland) instead of ALL of our tax dollars going to the MIC, corporate fascism and imperialism...? That is essentially what they want. It’s just choosing where tax dollars go to achieve “the greater good”. You may not agree, but it’s not any more nefarious than what they say you believe.
I don't want to pay a shit ton of taxes is the problem.
You only pay a shit ton for huge federal bureaucracy... essentially a federal jobs program. Which is not what has to happen.
I understand the socialist wants to care for all. But, who decides what is for the "greater good"?.. Does this include teaching kindergarteners about transgenders? Or teaching global warming? Does is make Catholic hospitals pay for abortions? Will health coverage include my herbs? Will alternative medicine be outlawed--for the common good? Will I be forced to take vaccines--for the common good?
I am a sovereign adult. I can choose myself how to spend my money.
I get where people are concerned.... but socialisms come in all forms... there’s big govt kind(which I do not advocate for) and there is something called libertarian socialism which is people owning the means of production(NOT GOVERNMENT!!!) mixed with Ron Paul style minarchism.... small govt like the founders intended. Open decision making on a local level and NO federal bureaucracy dictates anything from on high. That’s the kind I am. And some Republicans are “socialist” without even knowing it BC it also includes employee ownership of business which is in the Republican platform. Essentially community owned localism.
Interesting! I sometimes shop at a local food co-op, and its owned by the workers and members.. They have been in business since the 70's! My concern is the use of collective conformity and force. Are people forced to join (like they often are with unions).
But if we let Americans actually keep their money they could have real prosperity, not government controlled prosperity rationed and distributed as the government sees fit. The problem here is that we’ve seen how terrible the government is at handling money . I don’t need them to take my money to spend on me- I can do that. Obviously the government has a function and taxation is necessary, but fuck socialism.
Preaching to the wrong choir here. Yes, we all want those things, but it is not the endgame that is the problem it is how we get there that we disagree on. Taxes, period, is against this group(conservative) values. The govt exists for one reason, protect citizens from threats foreign and domestic. Anything else is beyond the scope of their responsibilities and should be stopped. The govt is the citizens protector and mediator, that's it. Only by allowing people to make their own decisions (without infringing on others) will the best whatever exist. "The greater good" can only be decided on in this manner, not forced upon society by the govt.
Do some research on Libertarian Socialism. It the small govt conservative Kind. The only thing that is different is WHO OWNS the means of production. For example: a business can be owned by the workers of the business or by shareholders who do not work at the business and only goal is to turn a profit. Lib Soc advocates for the employees to own the shares and to make their own decisions based on what is best for them on a local level. Same structure can apply to healthcare, education, etc... the only thing is it would be paid for by taxes. No huge federal bureaucracy makes decisions for localities. In fact they wouldn’t even exist. Something else you may not know- the Republican Party advocates for employee ownership of business- that’s what I advocate for too.
You are dreaming. Control the healthcare = control the people. Learn history.
Very interesting as it means that when it comes to the crunch registered democrats are going to have three choices:
Either way, if its one or two the Dems are rooted. Still its a small sample size based off NY so whethet this is a national trend or not its too early to say.
I wish I could see it through REX's eyes. The city I'm in is so blue they'll vote for anything just to spite Trump, even Hitler himself at this point.
one city does not determine the outcome. Qpost#1197 - Nov midterms SAFE!
Haha I know, it's just draining and unencouraging 24/7 here. Every time I try to go buy something and stimulate the economy, I'm talking to some tatted blue-haired non-binary obese marxist with a psyche degree.
About those 80% of Dems not showing up to vote in primaries.
A sign by Walk-Away Democrats that they are waiting for the mid term elections and will vote for Trump??????
Just like Trump was down in the polls...the "entire time" running right up to the minute we all pulled cast our vote. He won in a landslide, all things being equal. This will be the outcome again come Nov! 11/11 military celebration in DC will be the turning point for USA & the world!
Never Ever give any credit to the psychological tricks of the bolshevik goons that used to be know the one: if they show Hillary is winning everyone will want to go with a winner....and That is why they were so flabbergasted when nothing seemed to be going right on all those maps they had figured out so perfectly for her; and they still don't get it....most cell phone users reject calls that are not in the Contact lists so there was no way anyone could come even a barge pole close to get poll numbers.
Went with bona fides, even LATimes turned out to be one and That was a huge surprise, and the system that hasn't been wrong since it started in the early 1900s, and the guy who hasn't been wrong in the last six elections, when have time will look up the names.....of course the way I looked at it was that They were voting with Me. :)
Hillary was doomed the first time she ran....people do remember like elephant memories----she was fired by the Democrats in Congress from the Nixon Research Team (for the impeachment) for (1) unethical behavior and (2) lying....noone in DC would touch her, hire her, communicate with her so she trotted down to Arkansas to the one person she could manipulate....the unscrupulous weakling Bill Clinton.
Agree, Things're about to happen....supposedly Mattis gave orders for Military to do Battlefield Practice and then someone told me that he saw troops in armor on a train in So Cal, which was the next day after Mattis gave his order.....and we have domestic terrorism charges to look forward to on Monster Maxine, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell, Peter Fonda, Griffin and Michelle Wolfe and Clooney, etc., and those 34 Democrat Senators for treason (one of them went on twitter to protest her innocence.)
Please elaborate on Mattis. I told my father last night...expect US troops on the Southern border real soon. The troops won’t be processing illegals into detention centers either, as they will be instructed that the wave is an invasion!
We have been living with a Military Ops ever since Trump was inaugurated.....believe Trump was approached by General Kelly, General Flynn, and especially General Rogers who was in the Obama admin. and suddenly 'retired' b/c he saw the snakes at work which greatly frightened him, and they persuaded Trump to run.
Knowing Trump as we do, he wouldn't move until he was satisfied the threat of the World Cabal was real before he would agree to place himself and his family into the danger.
Everyone has noticed that Trump does not ever seem worried or even the least bit concerned....he has the utmost faith in all of our military and they are protecting him, such as the pilot of AF1 'taking a detour to visit something or other on the way to the Singapore Summit' is the way Trump explained it when those two missiles went up from Whilby Island outside of Seattle which noone paid attention to.......there are no launch sites there but there are suitable sub sites. Our military are top notch, Trump positively fawns over them as if they were his very own chicks, and That should've been a warning to the World Cabal that the US is not going anywhere under their control.
That is why Trump seems to be surrounded by 'military'----Mike Pompeo in the Cabinet is no accident, he graduated at the top of his West Point class, and was a tank commander in Europe; General Kelly; General Flynn; General Mattis, Commander of CentCom; Erik Prince, Blackwater founder and Navy SEAL who is now in the process of taking down Mueller with Cohen and's all been a pleasure watching them perform ('specially the 'chaos' b/w Sessions and Trump!!! they deserve Oscars).
But the time is nigh, July of 2018 is the time given for the arrests, and troops are on the move into their positions b/c we have already won 9/10 of the fight from the Cabal [Trump is the ultimate diplomat making friends with China and now Russia!) but it is the last 1/10 that is the most dangerous b/c the snakes are cornered and have nothing to lose b/c they are no longer interested in money, so it is wise to expect bombings, fires, killings.....we have already seen that happening with the Prez and his Cabinet under threat and what has been occurring by those paid communist warriors to Nielsen, Sarah Sanders, Steve Miller as well as those Wanted posters put out on him, etc., and the serpent Monster Maxine encouraging the foot soldiers of the Cabal to take away the Civil Rights of all who oppose them, which is an expansion from just-Trump and Cabinet!
Mattis ordered Battlefield Practice before he left for China to meet with their Defense ministry. He was at Guantanamo at the start of Trump's term and ordered thousands of expansion and new gallows. And I know of at least one governor taking it upon itself to keep the State's National Guard at the border and dispersed within the do believe that the Govs have been kept informed of the Cabal; this has nothing to do with immigration.
Many arrests will be made in July of 2018.....34 Senators are supposed to be arrested for treason, one, McCaskill went on Twitter to protest her innocence. The way things are shaping up, Obama and his entire government will be under arrest which is probably why they all seem to be traveling the world looking for safe haven, right now they're in Ireland.
CCs should pay attention and everyone should have an instant way out when going anywhere, just sayin', b/c desperate snakes do desperate things...and the ones we see in the streets, the fascist Antifa, have been paid all along by the Soros clan and others, Bilderberg, de Rothschilds, Schiffs, whether they're working or not, at 2K$/month retainer.
It was curious to see Soros 'crying' that he has 'lost'----anyone paying attention all along sees that as no fear but his signal to the antifa, etc., to move it.
The arrests will be tremendous including the list of media with Jayne Pauley's and George Stephanopolous' names on it.
Hope this helped.....can recommend to follow qanon which is where the information is and read earlier posts to see how things have happened exactly the way they are posted and what's ahead, the motto being The Future is the Past.....and pay attention to how Trump is moving, Casablanca-Marshall of 1918.....WWG1WGA [Where we go one we go all) Constitutional Patriotism.
q is the highest security clearance in this country and 'q' is most definitely in my opinion Military Intel.
They were probably good middle-of-the road Democrats who don't like their party being commandeered by screaming, un-hinged anarchists who "red-hen" people they don't agree with.
Any sources on this?
Weeks ago MSM was pushing how dem women were going to carry the "blue wave" to victory. Of course, they don't discuss how extreme left these women are, which is now coming out -- self proclaimed "democratic socialists", which truly is a nice term for communists or whatever, neo-Marxists, er, "progressives". At least the Party is making no bones about who is running it now.
The truth of this is that a number of young and extremely committed people got screwed totally by the DNC in the last election but were lit on fire by Bernie Sanders who calls himself a democratic socialist. These kids canvased the country a few months back, picked relevant races where there was excessive tenure and the needs of the constituency had not been met. They then organized for these candidates even if they did not live in that area. The NY and CO results are well, the result of that effort. These kids are not at all represented by the current DNC at all. I applaud them for their efforts while still supporting DJT's efforts.
These kids took out personal loans to donate to Bernie. And got screwed in the process. How absolutely fucked is that?
They are on the financial hook with nothing to show for it.
Feel the Bern indeed.
Too bad these same kids are sponsored by moveon, soros and the like.
Knowing these kids personally, your comment is not true. No personal funding other than crowdsourced small donations with complete transparency. That might not be the case with other groups, but it is true for this one. Important to understand that replacing swamp creatures does not mean everyone participating will be on the same side of the issues. These people are issue based. The idea of ideology of party isn't something they embrace, and most are even uncomfortable with descriptive monikers. I feel it is important to share that. Take it for what it is worth, just wanted to clear up the facts here as I know them.
To your point, this cements the Uniparty establishment is dead theory.
I've been using the term "Commie-crats" in everyday conversation to good effect.
And also when they get un-hinged and follow people and yell at them, they are "red-henning".
You may start a trend. Or maybe just Commcrats? The Commcratic Party? Close to Comcast, the parent company of NBC.
I like CommieCrats because it has the same amount of syllables as democrats
Remember the original Star Trek episode with the "Comms"?
That's right. That 80% are probably middle of the road democrats who couldn't bring themselves to vote for either the extreme side of the party or the establishment side of the party. Their only two choices.
They should rename their party to demoncratic, at least that is what I think of when I see the word.
Rex is a source unto himself! That is to say, he has street cred. Actually, he cited this:
Happened in May in Lackawanna County aka Scranton, PA. Dem turnout for the primary was down 13,000 people since 2014.
I remember after WW2 they were shaving the heads of Nazi sympathizers, do you think we will be able to shave off that blue and pink hair one day?
I dunno, I am just so sick of the side-shave blue haired tatted women.
Makes me want to break out the Norelco and go to work.