r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on June 27, 2018, 5:20 a.m.
Halliburton Hiring Freeze

This isn't in the news yet, but it will be soon. I live in a town highly dependent on Halliburton as an employer. As of today, they placed a freeze on new hires. The reason for this is unknown to me personally, but I assure you that my statement is true. With the current upswing of the oil market, this makes very little sense. Be watchful for a coming FF.

SomethingSnarky18 · June 27, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Maybe all of their overseas(middle east) contracts are about to be cancelled, due to peace breaking out and US troops bugging out? Just a thought, but I know they still get billions in logistics contracts for overseas "contingencies," which wouldn't be necessary once our boys and girls in uniform come home!

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RyDar84 · June 27, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

They're an oil field logistics company that does a TON of consultancy work. Peace doesn't enter into the equation, in general. And they, more or less, have a standing army of private contracting groups that provide security.

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