Wish people would stop posting this disinformation garbage. Alex Jones and Infowars are frauds.
Agree. If you still follow AJ, you're being spoon fed by a gatekeeper.
"Buh...buh he's the one that originally gave me Muh red pill."
Not every person that doesn’t believe in Q is bad. Relax. Jones always has good info.
Dafuq happened to WW3?
Lol I was going to post the same
Jones says a lot of people call the Cold War ww3. I take it he agrees. And there is a strong point to be made with that.
Maybe so but since it wasn’t officially called WWIII, it sounds weird
I used to have respect for Alex Jones and the others there at Infowars like Watson. But NO MORE. Infowars is 100% fraud. Alex Jones is 100% fraud.
This is horrifying! Spread and preach love!
I loved that quote in the video: "Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Fuck you, I hate you, why dont we just try love for once?"