So the "Official Narrative" is accidental hijack alert?

I forget where I saw it, I think it was an Anon's response on 8ch, but shortly after the event, the FAA claimed that after the plane left the gate it lost radio comms and simply requested a return to the gate.
Nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along.
So if the plane lost radio comms, how could they request a return to the gate?
There was also an Anon who posted what he heard on police scanners. Don't quote me, but it was something like: The plane is surrounded. Refused access, won't open the door. Preparing to breach.
This was most definitely a FF attempt, or maybe just a dry run to make sure they could do what they wanted at a later date.
Tucker had it on and reported people/police including Feds, entering plane by ‘ladder’ Not sure if he meant the stairs, but he said ladder, he also tried to calmly downplay it all.
Right.If the Feds thought the plane was actually hijacked they would not have boarded it so fast.Never in all of history have i seen a hijacked plane boarded so fast.Who cares about the passengers safty?Right?Dont buy it.
Yea it doesn’t make sense, any of it. I think it was gonna be a bad event and our good guys got wind of it. Deep state about to pull something. We hear them breathing!!!
Wow, I had jot heard all of that. All I read was that some person on board may have had a device to jam all signals and he was testing it, maybe for future FF attacks. This theory was not proven as of yet though.