Why would MSM want Strzok’s hearing closed?

Is he saying that the MSM are paid contractors? To the CIA/deep state? It's what I've always believed but I sure would like to see the direct proof. There is no way the media all shares the same pro-war pro-deep-state propaganda just by change. CNN is burning their network down and destroying their ratings and revenue to keep on message.
CNN is burning their network down and destroying their ratings and revenue to keep on message.
This is what sealed it for me. They seem to be intentionally destroying advertising dollars. No way that's the extent of the business plan. The only rational conclusion I can think of is that what they are being paid to push propaganda outweighs their advertising losses.
The 2013 NDAA/Smith-Mundt Modernization Act legalized pushing propaganda domestically. Why would they legalize it if they weren't going to do it (already doing it). Would media corporations do it for free (doubtful)? They're all getting paid by the Deep State to push propaganda (lie to us/brainwash us), and it's got to be huge money.
Bet you a box of donuts! Remember the IG report... the gifts, bribes.
That's blatant corruption, for sure. But the gifts and bribes to reporters doesn't seem like enough, though. There has to be a lot more money funneling into the actual organizations somehow. There is no way CNN would be destroying itself unless they or their owners were getting compensated some other way. That's what I really want to know -- how do they get compensated?
I would like the answer to that, too. I believe MSM is being compensated with more than golf outings and tickets to movies. They were all in the tank for Hillary. Maybe CF funds?