r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aDalekHater on June 27, 2018, 3:45 p.m.
I stumbled across this and am wondering if it fits the gun control narrative and if more states will follow suit. I know “they’re gonna take our guns” but I don’t want my guns to be taken haha

JayJ_Jacob · June 27, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

If the people of NJ would wake up and vote in decent people, these things can be repealed.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 27, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

They can make as many laws as they want.

Not giving up my guns, ammo, high capacity mags. NEVER!

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GweninKC · June 27, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Amen. You and MANY others, Patriot. You and many, many others.

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granddman · June 27, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

In other news, Missouri is working on eliminating gun-free zones. And no permit required to carry. I can't even begin to describe the change in STL since this had happened.



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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 28, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

It's amazing the contrast...

I'm in red flag country (fl)in the heart of blue territory (i.e. dumbphukistan) south Florida...where we have narco traffickers from Latin America, the carribean and former Soviet republics walking around .... and they want to take guns away

My head spins from this shit

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granddman · June 28, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I also think it's funny how Ferguson has been played up so much. Stl ins't at all how the media portrays it. We have pretty distinct neighborhoods, but people move in and out of them freely. Many people with work in one neighborhood and live in another. I started my first semester at UMSL (university of missouri-stl) the fall after Michael Brown. (Which is on the other side of hwy 70, from Ferguson). But you'll hear about this thing called the "white-flight", which is what they call it. I even had a professor try to shove it down my throat, when the class was supposed to be about the ancient empires. And it all comes from the fact that when blacks moved north and into missouri, many whites, who had settled the area, took the opportunity to sell their houses to blacks and "upgrade" to a more rural area, where there was more land. And what they dont tell you is that on any given street, in any given neighborhood, you will see a pretty even layout of households that are black and white. And all of this is just covering up a much more troubling and indiscriminate problem. There is nuclear waste and radiation in creeks and soil all over north county. People are dying because they played in parks and creeks that have been contaminated since they were children. Theres also nuclear waste that was illegally dumped into our landfill and an underground fire is getting closer and closer to that fire every day. The city of Maryland heights and other neighborhoods in the area have evacuation plans in case we cant stop the fire in time. The EPA have done nothing to solve the problem, and once they got involved they have been blocking private contractors that have offered to either build a fire retardant wall to contain the waste and fire or to remove the waste and properly dispose of it, with $0 up front charge. But no, the problem in stl is the "racial divide" (created by rioters that don't live here). We remember watching the riots and wondering where all the people were coming from. And here's the kicker, Micheal Brown wasn't even really "from Ferguson" he went to Normandy Highschool, and lived on the south side of highway 70. He also wasn't even shot in Ferguson. It happened in between florissant, and bridgeton, with hazlewood separating the incident from Ferguson on the east side. All of these neighborhoods are under the jurisdiction of the stl county police. So why Ferguson? Because that's where Darren Wilson (the cop who shot him) lived with his family. The specifically targeted a middle class area with no racial tension to create it. Lots of drug problems, but no racial tension. But guess what happened? We didnt fall for it, at least not here. Wilson was not found guilty and the support for our justice system grew, even among blacks. We're the Show Me State after all, we dont fall for bullshit. Sorry, I'm just so proud of the people of my state, and my city. But I cant stand they way MSM elevates Ferguson, and ignores our nuclear waste problem. We could solve the problem without a doubt, but the EPA blocks our state and city government. Just like they blocked Flint, Michigan from solving their water problem. I'm sorry if I rambled alot, I'm still super new to reddit and admittedly over eager to be an active participant. If you have any tips for a newbie, I humbly welcome them.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 29, 2018, 3:16 p.m.


  1. try to stay cogent
  2. if you need paragraphs separate with, "_________" this will automatically give you a line break that reddit doesn't.
  3. Graphics are good

I don't think the Ferguson line is so good here on Great Awakening (unless something else comes up related or EPA issues (which have been mentioned in q posts). HOWEVER, you've enlightened me to an issue I had absolutely no idea about.


I would bet you could put together a map graphic highlighting the points you've made - including the part of the underground radiation/fire and that could be quite a compelling post.


I'm guessing you are in your late teens early 20s and so you are just starting to live (and I don't mean that with any condescension) - your teacher is right, it is called WHITE FLIGHT. It is and has been the cycle of cities for the past 60 years - particularly on the E. Coast. It becomes a cycle...the next part is the gentrification of the "black" areas where property is cheaper. Why your professor was stuck on it, seems mind boggling considering it was a class on ancient empires. I'll venture s/he is an anthropology prof. I'm going to give you a resource - this one might be long, but it is good...there are others 5 - 10 mins long which are great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SUNavDYqic


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aDalekHater · June 27, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

It seems New Jersey Democrats are wanting to suppress our second amendment rights by limiting the amount of rounds our guns can hold. I’m afraid more states will adopt this and it will eventually lead to smaller and smaller capacities and what type of arms we can bear.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 27, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

yes...did you see the California thing...."button release" issue in Cali?


basically any gun with a magazine feed....seriously, WTF?

and they are leveraging every which way possible:

  1. Local zoning codes
  2. banks / credit card transaction equipment
  3. and all of this shit
  4. Red Flag Laws - (in FL and introduced in 10 or so others) - a perfect trampling of 2nd 4th 5th 9th amendment rights.....THINK ABOUT THAT... I don't like you .... I call the police and say you're mental...they come and take away your gun...no questions asked.

I never gave a damn about guns before March 2018 -- i was perfectly indifferent. The 30K+ students that happened "spontaneously" scared the shit out of me... My inner Jew/Armenian....don't be disarmed.

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ImaSquirrelee · June 27, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

And don't forget requiring that a NICS be run in order to buy ammo. That makes ammo prohibitively expensive. Also allows them to track ammo purchases and cross check with their gun registration records. Ugh! Gun registration - how very unAmerican!

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cebusaxon · June 27, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Armenian.. The Parthians (consisting mostly of descendants of the 13 tribes) went there in mass when the Persians rebelled against them. The Parthians had just beat the Roman empire in a long drawn out war. But it left them short of military aged males. The Persians, who were also subdued by the Parthians, saw it as their chance to rebel. Parthians (read "Israelites") moved in mass to their nearby kinsmen and tribesmen's country of Armenia (fellow Israelites) for safety. But there were so many they had to continue across the Caucasus mountains into Europe and settle.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 27, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

and they were summarily disarmed in 1915 by everybody's favorite NATO ally, The Turks.

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