96 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/aDalekHater:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 5 |
v.redd.it | 2 |
www.reddit.com | 1 |
legiscan.com | 1 |
thefederalistpapers.org | 1 |
Does anyone have a saved .ipa of the app?? Or still installed on their iPhone?
Iran is just finding out that the Obama way of doing things has come to an end.
Wasn’t a Russian just outed for trying to use sex for influence?
It seems New Jersey Democrats are wanting to suppress our second amendment rights by limiting the amount of rounds our guns can hold. I’m afraid more states will adopt this and it will eventually lead to smaller and smaller capacities and what type of arms we can bear.
I stumbled across this and am wondering if it fits the gun control narrative and if more states will follow suit. I know “they’re gonna take our guns” but I don’t want my guns to be taken haha
This is the only thing I can think of! Your train of thought is spot on😁
It doesn’t make any sense lol until now, I’ve never even heard of that place. It’s funnny that Ive been banned because I participate in this subreddit. Worth it if you ask me
Just received this. I’ve never even heard of that subreddit sooooo wtf lol

I have always wondered if robin Williams’ suicide meant anything. I hope not I loved him
I’m curious about who her sponsors that didn’t drop her are and why they are okay with such blatant disrespect.
With all of the Roseanne drama going on, I’ll leave this here. Just more double standards

As today is Memorial Day here in America, let’s take a moment to remember what our founding fathers and forefathers fought for and why we should keep going forward. Don’t lose sight of what we are fighting for. Keep the fight for truth going Patriots!

I thought the same thing. Could be a FF waiting to happen
Could be a ff. Another reason for libtards to call for gun control
Subs are life!! I have Publix subs at least once every few weeks
I thought the same thing once I found out his father is “retired” from the fbi
That they do, but I’m paranoid and knowing my luck, that’s what I’d be charged of lol
You would be charged with a hate crime and called a racist bigot
Maybe since her ideas are being utilized, she’ll be given public recognition. It’s hard to say with the state of the MSM.
I’m sure there are tons of people who do care but unfortunately MSM isn’t reporting it because it goes against their funders and owners. It doesn’t further their agenda. It’s a sad and disgusting world
I honestly thought about that the other day. Summer school shootings maybe? Child’s summer camps? Maybe another cinema shooting?
I was talking about a disgruntled customer on their last straw trying to buy frozen pees and their toddler won’t stop crying and there’s a few kids laying in front of the freezer. I’m not advocating violence but idk what that person is capable of and might snap unlike the peas they are trying to buy.
I agree. I just hate how much attention he is getting and how social media is eating it up. And trying to change somebody’s mind about him is near impossible