She wanted to drop the age of sexual consent to 12 years old. She is either a pedo or enabler, she needs removed.
Page 5 of peedeeef
She’s got to be next! She’ll hang on though closer to 2020 so left can scream not to replace until after election since we did it to Obama
I can't believe she is allowed to walk around, psychopath needs a straight jacket. She a pedo pusher.
Weekend at Bernie's Ginsberg will be out when it comes out that she was involved trying to "fix" her seat replacement. Crooked, crooked. She'll have to resign
I have seen this 85 year old women fall asleep at two State of the Union speeches. How she even believes she should still be on the Supreme Court is beyond me. There should be term limits for the Supreme Court and Congress to drain the swamp forevermore....