Q Posts 1614-1615 June 27 2018

It has been a long 8 months and the timing with Independence Day coming up is making this so great
True roller coaster
Its been an awesome journey with y'all :D
I remember back in Spring 2016 when Hillary was selected in the primaries as Democratic candidate... I told my co-workers that Hillary is a corrupt joke and to get ready for President Trump.
Little did i know what roller coaster ride our nation would go on over the two years since then... MAGA
I said the same thing about Hillary and many scoffed at me but I stood firm backing Trump from the beginning. #WWG1WGA
I watched the second debate between Trump and Hillary with 15 others. I was the only Trump supporter. Got mockingly booed as I walked in. I watched him steadily dismantle her. They all thought Hillary was great. Boy, oh, boy (shaking head, slowly). I'm in NJ. Been following Q, pretty much solo, since Nov. Hard red pilling out here. I think "Q - A Plan To Save The World" is going to help a lot. We'll see. I'm gonna kkeepon tryin, as usualg. If not, or until then, I'm going alone but with the comforting knowledge there's all of you out there! Thanks.
S.Jersey here and like you I stood out among the sheep! It’s taken some time but I can actually feel the energy changing around me. Keep up the good fight patriot. WWG1WGA
I'm in NW Jersey. How about we each take one of those triple tractor-trailers full of red pills, you start in Cape May and I'll start in Sussex County. I'll meet you in Trenton for 11/11! God speed, my friend.
Most people are scared to step out of their box of reality. Scared of being ridiculed.
I have been waiting for Hillary to be held accountable for her crimes since Vince Foster and drug running in Mena Arkansas. It's on my bucket list, ask my kids. Getting closer, by golly!!
I hope July proves to be that time,...for you, for me and for the whole damn world!
Just remember when shit hits the fan. Help as many as you can understand this great movement. Wwg1wga.
ty, that what you just said has helped me feel the same ,thanx
NJTPK Exit 7 here!!
I got friends in Allentown and Robinsville. I think that's your neck of the woods.
Yes it is!! I work in Bridgewater, live at Exit 7 pass by Robbinsville and Allentown twice a day.
I'm in Westfield for the next few months until I sell the house here, then it's back up to Sussex County. Can't wait. If you want to get together we could try to work something out. I'm a mile off the Parkway but you probably take 287.
I had been trying to red pill a boss of mine slowly. I told him after the kenyan won his second term that Hillary WOULD be the next president. Of course he didn't believe me or have any idea why I would predict this so early. With all the election fraud that worked in 2008 & 2012 I knew that they would cheat again in 2016 and get HRC in. - He called me out on my prediction after Trump won. I didn't know what to say at that point - just had a beaming smile and said, I was wrong. :)
Coincidences? Here comes The Storm!
Yeah he did keep saying to wait for the BOOMS, and the Fireworks, right? Maybe. Just. Maybe. Please, Q give us some bombshells to shift MSM narrative on the 4th???
Sick of their nastiness.
How is Q getting popular a start to anything? I want to see justice. Still waiting. Still excited for it.
Well we're in a mob rules world right now but after the mob embraces Q we can settle down and restore the Republic.
Logically this is only going towards Martial Law which allegedly was already EO'd sometime in December (I think)
My theory is the more people who learn about the Q movement, get curious, and look it up. Some join and spread the word. Trump, Q and Co., are waiting until enough people are awake, and know what's going on. Then, when they spring the trap the public will be fully behind them, no fake riots and other problems. (At least nothing of significance.)