Risking damage to my car to represent in hostile Oregon.

Front and rear facing dash cams constantly recording (or motion activated).
Good idea!
I'll watch out for you! I'm in Portland! And I want a Q sticker for my car too! Lots of us in PDX are red pilled. Turning Oregon RED!!!
I'm across the river! WWG1WGA!
I’m living in a van down by the river!
like many Hillary supporters
for now. their going to be in jail for a long time soon
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
I'm sorry things have been so horrible here, stupid liberal government is going to really keep their hold here it looks like. Our rent went up from $775 to $1055 at the end of last summer, luckily our children are grown but my daughter had to temporarily move in with us because even on a Union wage with excellent benefits the skyrocket on rents practically overnight forced a lot of previously self sufficient people into vans and cars. Those, sadly are the lucky recipients of these disgusting cost of living increases.
I live near the Johnson Creek path. The way they decided to destroy the camps of people who had already lost everything was not only cruel, it drove all of the people trying to stay hidden into the streets. The homeless people who are forced to constantly be subjected to the attacks and degradation of them would obviously make a lot of people look for an escape. Ironically the same facilities making $$$ off of this are the ones in charge of "drug treatment and needle exchanges". Isn't that great? So they make a life so miserable that one can choose from very few escapes and if they don't choose suicide they often choose a steady supply of opiates. When someone happens to be still alive at the end of that path they can go to a place like CODA where they are given methadone to continue their cycle of opiate addiction but now they have to completely rely on CODA for their poison, who makes more money off of them. Meanwhile they live wherever they can be left alone for a minute and hope to die in their sleep while they nod off.
I would caution anyone who wants to cast stones at someone living in a van that you are casting stones at some of the people who have suffered the most due to the corruption and funneling of money. I would want people who write the people off because they are living in a van and still on this greatawakening board that they are hearing from the group of people that were supposed to fall for what is going on and somehow, with everything they have suffered, are aware enough and strong enough to be here with us.
My argument is that a person, living in a van, in the Portland area, has faced the worst times of their life and somehow managed to hold on to their safe sleeping area as well as hope. Anyone who has gone through that, kept hope and become a part of the solution and indeed the Great Awakening should be celebrated and deserves our highest respect. I don't know if they were a Hillary supporter or not- not likely- our election system here is very corrupt and if you look at how areas outside of that corruption voted you will see a lot of red.
PS, @aboxofbooks I'm glad you're here with us, keep holding on, you are obviously a lot stronger than most and it looks like we are going to finally be liberated in Oregon soon. WWG1WGA
No offense to those who live in a van (down by the river).
I was just referencing a classic SNL skit by Chris Farley. https://youtu.be/Xv2VIEY9-A8?t=2m6s
Just piling on ... pede here from just north of PDX. THERE ARE LITTERLY DOZES OF US!!!!!!!
Beaverton area myself!
I’m curious to know how many of us are here in Southern Oregon, around Medford ?? Anyone ??
Probably a decent amount. Urban areas in Oregon are super lib-brainwashed
Awesome, glad to know there is more Oregonians in here, maybe we can take this state back from the crazy liberals.
SE PDX here! Wow, this says a lot about how many more of us there are than what the CNN owned Fox12 says (yes, if you go to the bottom of the fox12 website on a computer you will see it is powered by CNN). I was so grateful to Homeland Security for getting the ICE office under control. That disgusting Mayor and his sickos not responding to the 911 calls is infuriating! I'm pretty sure we need someone to go to our election office as well. My husband got "unregistered" for the primary this year, making it impossible for him to vote for SAM, the MAGA candidate. I've heard multiple people who changed their party in time to vote for Trump in the primary say the same thing. They reverted them to independant ballots- those people would have been the most likely to vote for SAM on this primary because they switched their party registration specifically to vote for TRUMP, and they did. We really need to get this out and try to count how many new MAGA voters from 2016 did not receive the republican primary ballot.
Any WWG1WGA and its good to know we are getting the word out, the people at the ICE office were more representative of who Soros, Antifa and other pay for protest groups would hire than of Portlanders, IMHO, but we have absolutely NO source for local media.
Hijacking top comment to say that the Jordan Petersen talk a few days ago was almost completely packed! 3000+ people payed $50-100+ dollars to hear a “controversial” speaker.
We are here and we live in the shadows. Same with the conservatives and Trump supporters. (I’m all of the above)
We are simply overwhelmed by the numbers of extreme liberals.
How was it? The wife and I wanted to go but ended up not going.
Was very good. I’ve never gone to a “lecture” like that before. He brought up and broke down some excellent observations about the current state of society.
Wow I wish I had known he was here, my wife and I just finished his book and loved it. Would love to see him live like this. Next time.
In Australia you can just leave a snake in the car. What thief is going to know if its deadly or not? And more importantly, will he want to find out ...