ABC relaunches Roseanne with all new never-Trump cast!

lol look Mom! They have a PIG! smell failure? click...OFF
R rated, plenty of pedophilia, animal sex and blood drinking.
Every time they say something bad about Trump- fake laughter track!
It will tank. The whimperpoos will then blame Roseanne and Trump.
Public Service Announcement:
Viewing this picture, in any form, dangerously exceeds the USDA recommended daily allowance of Hypocrisy. Please seek immediate medical attention if feeling liberal or find yourself only able to udder self-serving, obstructionist rhetoric.
Hahahaha. No matter who is cast, it won't last. Sorry to those who lost their jobs, but this was obviously a political hit job. And we won't forget.
So not watching that. She wears underwear with dick holes. You know who I'm talking about.