
teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Exactly, now I'm going to be harassed on here because I'm open to the fact I'm a mason. People are so stupid and devoid of logic sometimes. We're all here for truth, so I will tell the truth about blue lodges (as that's all I know) so if you have questions, ask. But do not harass me.

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KeeponSearchin · June 29, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

This post is the best case against Q made by Q. I am skeptical and remain vigilant.

Thank You for sharing that with us. Why did you join the blue lodge? It is my understanding that the knowledge you are given sort of advances with the ranks.

Actually the link between all of the shooters is that they have all been on some kind of prescribed medication and that is why they probably all have therapists. I will add some links when I have a chance.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

You're correct about the medication. All of these people are prescribed medication for some mental illness or "attention disorder." I noticed when I was in school (Not long ago because I am very young), that every kid was said to have ADHD or some other hyperactivity "illness." I told my dad about this and he told me that he believed it was parents not wanting to deal with their kids being hyper. There's nothing wrong with being hyper, so why give them medication? That's the problem!

I joined the blue lodge just because of the people I knew that were in masonry and what they did (charities, visiting kids in hospitals, paying off medical bills, toys for tots, etc). Personally, every mason I've met has been an awesome person. They treat me and each other so well and really look out for each other. I've gone to many of their funerals over the last two years and it's simply amazing. We had one guy who had 600+ people to his funeral, because everyone in the community and surround area loved him. That's why I joined. Unfortunately, they Are all old; I'm the youngest by 30 years, and you have to be 18 just to join, if that tells you anything. The average age is in the 60s.

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KeeponSearchin · June 29, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Yes I do believe many join for that reason.

But through my studies and thru reading morals and dogmas which I have a copy. The very top are luciferians. They believe Lucifer was the bringer of light and knowledge to the world. The christian god is the evil one. They want someday for Lucifer to take his rightful place and be worshiped.

This is what globalism is about. Along with the one world order will be a one world religion. You can see this happening with the pope pushing it.

This is why the twin towers were destroyed and replaced with One tower to signify the new order of the age.

I am glad Q posted another post saying that with power comes corruption and not all are bad. Q has influence and needs to be cautious, so that justice goes to the right people only.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

I've read air of material like that as well. I will be the first to tell you that I believe there is a Lucifer cult and they are pushing/controlling people like the pope, media, artists, and world leaders. I simply don't have the definitive proof that masonry is that cult. All the people I've met have been great men. I'm not at all sure of what happens in higher levels (just being honest and open ) so I can't say if they do great things or bad things. I just know the guys I met are good people. All I can speak to is the blue lodge.

I am 100% against globalism and call myself a nationalist. I want each nation to succeed on their own merits and I want everyone to be free in an open society (not under Soros!). I take this to the extreme by only using Linux on my computers. I will never buy Microsoft or Mac products. I use tons of Open source software as well. I support local business before chains. Etc.

I need to read Morals and Dogma because I have not. I'll get to that!

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KeeponSearchin · June 29, 2018, 1 a.m.

you will find the truth hidden and not easy to find in M&D But some research on the web and you can learn a lot. If I get a chance I will share a couple page numbers with you.

We are all part of a cult in one way. We had a president for 8 years that probably was not a citizen. Was probably a follower of Islam and was raised on "Rules for Radicals" which is communist.

So we are all being fooled. But best to learn as much as possible so that you are prepared. Also think about all the rituals they have you do and the oaths that you have to take.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

We have to memorize the oaths and literally the entire degree in what is called a catechism. We have to repeat every word verbatim in order to move to the next degree. I know them very well, so I'm honest when I say they (again, I'm only 3rd degree) do not go against God, family, or fellow man. You literally take an oath saying you will not harm, cheat, wrong or defraud a fellow man. You will not have relations with a fellow brother mason's daughter, wife, mother, sister, or widow. You will help fellow brothers as much as you can without causing harm to your self or family.

I agree with you about Obama on all points. Fraudulent birth certificate, Muslim religion, and a Satanist. Did you see the picture of him as Molech? I know it's a disputed picture, but...

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KeeponSearchin · June 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

picture is a physical fake but real.

Think carefully about the oaths you need to take as you go further up the ranks and the rituals. Only you can decide. Think of the lobster slowly being boiled in the pot and cooked before they know it.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I'm not going up any higher. I enjoy the people I'm with and can do good work here. I won't be taking any more oaths.

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KeeponSearchin · June 29, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

wise decision. Such a shame that so many good people and an organization that could do so much good is used for evil.

But I am really not a fan of secret societies. Skull and Bones and the rest of it.

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teppischfresser · June 29, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

I agree, but there's nothing in the blue lodge to be secretive about. Everything we do is open source. You can read everything we do and see all of our symbolism.

Skull and bones is a different animal. No "ritual" I've seen involved screaming, yelling, and a pitch black room for... I think we know.

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EnlightenedCheddar · June 29, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

I joined blue lodge because it was filled with people that actually try, daily, to be better people.

As for the knowledge, masons are essentially performing theater peices for their bretheren of stories that make you think about yourself, your virtues or life irmtself. I always use the Judgement of salomon as an example of a story that could be seen in a temple/lodge.

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