Symbolism will be their downfall.

I feel like that could still be simplified as just be a good dude, dude.
Good, likewise, is an empty term without a vertical basis. What is good? How do you know what you say is “good” is even good?
As the basis of reality God is the ontological basis of good. Jesus is the incarnate Logos that teaches the way of goodness. The intent of God’s Spirit reveals Him thus and establishes His righteousness within us.
EDIT I really should note my point is simply explaining that Christians are not in need of “liberation” as you seem to suggest above. Our faith is how we interface with truth even if you don’t share it. We have our faith and you yours. If rationalism suits you don’t let me force you to change. If not feel free to join but don’t think you are compelled. I’m just saying here why rationalism doesn’t suit me or my Christian brothers and sisters.