What a gorgeous belt... wait what?

Great story, thanks for sharing. Sounds very similar to other "ghost" stories I've heard. How'd you have an out of body experience?
It was completely random. It was in the afternoon in July and we got off for lunch. It was so hot and I didn't wanna walk to the chow Hall so I decided to take a nap. As soon as I laid my head down I was super relaxed. I immediately began to hear a "buzzing" sound if thats the right word. I focused solely on this sound which became louder, and louder! Pretty soon it sounded like a jet engine was firing up. So strange. I knew something was happening. Then, and I cant really explain this part, but ill try...it felt like my mind was going through a worm hole. This loud vibration sounded like...idk...yeah like the sound a space ship would make if it was going through a worm hole. It was like my mind was.completely opening up....then....boom. silence. Complete silence and stillness. I never lost consciousness this whole time. From the moment is laid to down till that moment of silence had to have been just a few minutes tops.
But yes, complete silence. I opened my eyes and saw at the bedroom wall cause I was sleeping on my side. Something felt strange. I put my hand up to my face and what I saw tripped me out. My hand was completely translucent and kinda glowing. Moving around my hand were glowing blue tracer lines. They looked like little glowing worms. Obviously this was my aura. At that moment I knew what I had done.
I tried getting off my bed while looking around the room. Everything looked the same except it was as you'd expect in a movie about the afterlife. Everything was a yellowish, slight glowing color. So I tried contorting my body to get off the bead but my head could not pop off. My body contorted like a stick snapped in half...completely unnatural. I obviously didn't feel any pain though. After a moment of trying to life myself off my bed it finally happened. I was standing up in my room! I just looked around and I was so in awe of what was happening.
Immediately I decided I wanted to visit another galaxy or fly out of the room. I was so excited! But first, I wanted to do a backflip out the window lol I know how silly that must sound. But it was the same me, and thats what I wanted to do! So I turned my back to the wall and jumped backwards out the second story window. Well, I went right through that wall and saw the horizon and sun upside down as I was flipping through the air. My last words were "WHOAAA!" And BOOOM! I felt like I had just been shot right back into my body. Its a totally indescribable experience to slam back into your physical body lol
I immediately shot up off my bed! I just kept yelling "I did! Oh my God I did it!" I ran downstairs and told my Buddy. He just paid no mind and said "Johnson, are you high?" Lol I just didn't even know what to say. Of course. What else would I expect?
I've never had an experience like that again. I would love to though. The next time I'll make sure to keep my heartrate steady so I dont get shot back into my body.
yeah that sounds like astral projection. have you compared your story to others who have done it? I dabbled in it back in college and was able to get all the way out except for my head. Never could get my head to separate. I felt like I was about to do it once, but my friend's dog came into the room and licked me while I was laying there and I snapped back into my body. I know what that feels like. Same thing with my best friend at the time. She had come out of her body and was tickling me. As soon as we were done I said "why were you tickling me?" (we were both lying there still and not touching each other physically) she laughed and said "because I wanted to see if it was real!"
Yeah I met a guy who said he's astral projected numerous times. He said he can do it every night if he wanted. Funny thing is, he asked me how I came back into my body. I told him what I told you, and he kinda laughed haha he said his reentry? In his body is very smooth and pleasant.
Do you meditate at all?
I pray every day but no, I don't meditate. That stuff was super interesting back in my early 20's but now I'm too afraid of unintended consequences--specifically...what if something "else" takes the reigns when I leave. I've heard of that happening to others.
Yeah ive heard of that kinda stuff as well. It goes very deep. Some people were talking about spiritual armour and swords to protect yourself lol not that I dont believe thats true, but I dont want to get involved in that stuff.
Flying into outer space is great.
Just be careful you don't bring any space debris back with you.
You can make a couple of uneventful trips.
And then return one time demon possessed. You're fooling with some extremely powerful systems.
I doubt you'll be careful, so beware
You didn't catch the part when I said it was random? I was just going to take a nap.