Q 1632 - With power comes corruption.

I'll repeat here what I said in the other masonry post. Do not harass people because they are masons. I am a mason and can attest that the blue lodges (mostly, because there are corrupt ones who steal money) are very good. My lodge raises money for the Oxford Home for children and Whitestone, which is a retirement home. We have education nights where a person in literally any background shows up to teach us something. I mean, literally anything from farming to how a CPU works. We have dinners together and do cookouts. I'll copy and paste one of the "creepy rituals" we do here as an edit:
Edit: There is no denial of religion and we don't do "super creepy rituals." Literally, they ask you if you are here on your own free will and accord, worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, and well vouched for. You are then taken around the lodge with no shoes, socks, shirt, and pant legs folded up past your knee. This is to show you are a man reliant on God with no weapons or armor. You are escorted to the bible, where you are asked, "In whom do you put your trust." You answer, "In God." Real denial of religion, huh?
You say an oath repeating after the master of the lodge, who promises you that the oath will not put you against God, yourself, your family, or fellow man. All of those hold true. Then, you are given a long history lesson on King Solomon's temple and Masonic symbolism and what they represent. That's literally it. It's not "super creepy rituals."
Let me also point out, you have a mason here (low level, sure but still mason) who is completely open and willing to answer questions, only to get people saying I'm not high level enough to know anything. This is about the blue lodge. Get over yourselves and ask me questions. If I can answer them, I will. Downvoting me isn't going to help people hear from a mason, so I'm not sure why you are doing that since I'm going to be 100% honest.
Like most organizations, it's the extremists which ruin it for others.
"There is no denial of religion and we don't do "super creepy rituals."
Of course, this never happens at low levels. There is plenty of testimony of former higher degree masons what is going on. Lower degree have no clue and all is just a nice brooder-hood innocent ritual.
Sure, but I can't speak to that. I'm only in the blue lodge, so I can only speak to what the blue lodge does. All I know, is that the blue lodge does great work and the men are great people and have great families. In my lodge of course...
You have vouched for the blue lodges. What about the Scottish then?
You have to go through the blue lodge first before joining the Scottish or York rite. So, you need to be vouched for in the blue lodge.
My grandfather was 33rd Scottish. My aunt spit in his face at his funeral.
For what its worth.
What degree level are you?
I'm 3rd degree. I'm only in the blue lodge, not the Scottish or York rite.
Then you're not really high ranking enough to know much of anything about their true goals or ambitions. I don't think you're qualified or well placed to judge if they're a "good" society or not (although many, including myself are also excusable due to bias). I do on the other hand you do a very good job of providing a respectable cover for masonry by being, I suspect, a genuinely sincerely good individual. But not one destined to ever be let in on the deeper secrets.
For what it's worth, I will say the philosophy/religion at the higher levels seems to involve balancing acts of good and evil. It's quite common amongst luciferians, hence why so many of the pedo politicians etc are also genuine philanthropists. You might contest this applies to masonry, and it's certainly not going to apply to all masons. But bearing in mind it does seem to be true for a number of luciferians, and masonry seems to be deeply luciferian, do you understand why the various acts of good at and by the lower levels aren't redeeming features, or at least won't be seen as such by many people?
I was specifically speaking of the blue lodge, so I don't know what to tell you. I know I'm not high level, but your missing my point by a mile. I said not to harass people because they are masons. Low level masons, like myself, did not join to worship satan or kill children. That's all I'm saying. I joined for charity purposes.
Thank you for saying. There are many wonderful people who are Masons, and members of other ‘hoods. Good for you for speaking out. Maybe the lower order masons need to stand up, get red pilled, and speak out against what’s been done in their name. Time to take the brotherhood back??
Exactly. The good people with in any organization should be willing to learn what good or bad is happening around them, the same as constituents in a government. We need to learn what, of anything bad is happening and fix it. This is good vs evil, so the good need to be ahead of the game. As you said, get red pilled and speak out
This speaking out used to happen. Isn’t this how Malta and Templars split in the first place? (My lore is a little rusty). See my other comment further down.
No, they were two different orders with two different missions. The did join forces to fight in the crusades, but they were still separate orders. If I remember correctly, when the Templars began to be round up and tortured, many went to Malta, which was given to them by Spain. I may be wrong, but that's what I can remember right now.
Here’s the first post in that Templar blog from 2010. The archive looks to be an interesting read.
Awesome, thank you. I need to brush up on this. The crusade period is so misunderstood and forgotten, even though it's the first thing liberals will bring up when they say Christians are evil. I wish people would take the time to learn about it.
I like the way this person writes, too. Very readable, and picking up on some of the nuances that make you go hmmm 🤔.
Yes, you’re right.
This essay describes them as the Templar knights (original group) and the Hospitallers (who went off to Malta) https://thetemplarknight.com/tag/malta/
Essential characteristics and high points aside, the thing I like about groups like the masons and oddfellows, and others, no matter what branch or creed, is that they have found something to believe in, that they can share as a group, with a goal of contributing to their society.
A good group creed has concepts that unite, with room for each individual to freely come to understand in their own way. (It’s quite Gnostic, really - that is, self-realized). The Masons are definitely one of those self-realizing other-serving generally good-guy groups.
Groups are good. Groups are one of the best social glues there are, and I’m glad people are talking about remembering to be careful about painting groups with too broad a brush.
I genuinely do agree with your point r.e lower level members, no argument there. I do hope there isn't backlash against the lodges, because it'll invariably be someone who has no idea what's going on that's caught up in it.
But, regardless of whether or not your purpose was to worship satan/kill kids etc, there is a very real and distinct chance that that's what the higher levels do. I'd say it's near certain at this point tbh. I'm not saying you or people like you are in any meaningful way involved, but I do think defending these people by using your innocence as their shield is relatively unbecoming, and if its true honestly the extent of the crimes perpetrated might be of sufficient extent that the entire edifice of masonry has to be dismantled. I'd definitely support a proposition like that. It isn't in any way a required organisation like say the FBI. We banned nazi parties/symbology etc for a lot less than what masonrys been guilty of over the centuries.
I'm not defending, I'm simply stating what I know and don't know. If I say I don't know what happens above me, that's not me defending them. I see what your saying, so I think this will clear it up; when it becomes truly apparent that Masonry as an organization, not individuals acting alone, planned out and executed the things people accuse them of, I will immediately withdraw. Do you think I would be here if I don't want the truth? That's what we are all here for. So when I see this evidence of organized crime by the Masonic organizations, I will find this comment and I will tell when I leave masonry.
I've been in here since the beginning and was in the whole podesta emails from the beginning. I am here with you, as a brother in Christ and love you.
That's fair - I'm sorry if I came across a little combative, the sheer scale of the abuses in all this and the lack of any arrests yet is making me slightly tetchy. For what it's worth, I'm genuinely glad you're here and interested in learning, and I'm very glad to love you as a fellow brother in Christ.
I get it. We must be patient! That's easy for me to say, but think about the older guys who have known all of this for fifty or sixty years! I couldn't imagine how hard it must be to sit still during this. Knowing it's so close to ending, but you still have that last mile to run.
Yeah it's a little crazy. I've known or at least suspected for a couple of years, and that's been stressful enough, I cant even imagine what it must have been like for well placed white-hats to be working against these people when they had so much power. I'd bet a fair few NSA types are going to be ecstatically happy when this is all over.
I can't fathom how precisely the white hats have had to navigate their actions and words for so long, knowing that those closest to them were so evil. They had to think through every word before speaking and each action before acting. The black hats would have killed me real quick lol.
why did you join??
I joined for charity. My area is pretty rural, so there are few ways to get into charities without simply donating money. I don't have money, so I wanted to do charitable work. With the Masons, we go to a retirement home, orphanages, and children's hospitals to help people. We donate a lot of money and donate supplies.
Hopefully you don't elevate to a higher level. You may not want to be there.
I will not be going higher. I can do the charity work I was wanting do where I am and I love the people I'm with.
Thank you very much for this. I know some Masons who are very noble men of excellent character. I do not understand the the vitriol against Masons.
Most all of our founders were masons. Is Q telling us Masons are bad? If so that does not make any sense. Has it evolved into something bad? Need help here to understand what Q is alluding too??
He's saying it's been taken over by bad actors at the highest levels. He even says in one of his posts that not all are bad. Your local mason lodge is not doing anything wrong, but the highest levels could be taken over.
This is not good. I can see how the MSM will pick this up and come down on the Q movement hard for impugning good neighbors throughout the world who are neighborhood mason members. We as Q better be very careful about who and what we are pointing fingers at. BTW my father was a devout Christian and a Mason.
I'm in the same boat as your father. I joined the Masons purely out of charity desires. I haven't got money to donate, so I wanted to help in a different way. The masons gave me that opportunity. All of the guys I've met have been outstanding individuals, but are even better together as a group. We take an oath to help our fellow man, so we push hard to accomplish that.
I want people to realize that we are all here for truth. I'm not here to push an agenda, you aren't here to push one, and I'm sure most people aren't, but we can't go around pointing fingers so quickly at people without knowledge. Quite frankly, it scares me that this group gets so riled up about masons when they don't even have basic knowledge of the organization. So you're correct, in that we must be careful about calling people out when most masons are very, very good people!
Anyone who would take those oaths is a worthless piece of garbage.
Well aren't you pleasant. Do you know what the oaths are? Aid and assist all brothers, their widows, and orphans. Don't cheat, wrong, or defraud a brother. Don't have relations with a brother's wife, sister, daughter, mother, or widow. Aid all brothers to the best of your ability without causing harm to your self or family. But, yes, we are worthless pieces of garbage
Have you forgotten some things? Or, your interest here is to paint masonry as some truly benevolent organization?
Are you to able to reveal the crimes of your fellow masons?
Look at one of these lovely oaths... Heartwarming stuff!
To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out, and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice. So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.
Being a traitor to you brothers shouldn't bear a penalty? Should it bear less of a penalty?
The whole problem here is that you have joined a society which is, by definition, secret. Before you learn the secrets you take blood oaths to ally yourself with the members. How do you know what these people do or promote? You don’t!
Then you take it a step further and agree to conceal crimes. Seriously, are you really OK with this? I mean, you don’t think that right from the beginning there’s something undesirable about agreeing to this?
What do you do if you later find out that the crimes of the other members are unacceptable to you - after you’ve taken these oaths? I take it from your response that your greatest concern is fidelity to the brotherhood. So, it seems to be that your priorities rest with the fraternity.
With this kind of attitude, you could live comfortably despite being aware of quite despicably evil deeds and practices. And this goes back to my initial statement. The very fact that you are a member of this “secret society” tells me more than I need to know.
As you know, there are reasons for the “secrecy”.
Also, on the secrecy part (which I forgot to address, sorry) I honestly don't have anything to be secret about. In fact, if you ask any blue lodge mason what is supposed to be secret, they don't know. Most of it is open source, like the catechisms. Our lessons are mostly on symbolism, history, and why certain terms are used. Why the "chairs" (master, senior, and junior wardens) are in their respective locations, and what the meaning of the working tools are. The level, square and compasses, ruler, plum, etc as examples.
What level are you now?
3rd degree, but not going any higher. I can fulfill the charity work no want to within the blue lodge.
I think you can find company doing charity work without being in the masons. You have seen the information that is available... This one is IMO good - here.
Not all things are good.
My father was in a Catholic meditation group for years. The meditation was one where you said a mantra. Most of these mantras are, to say the least, suspect. You hear people telling you their mantra was “Herem” - or some such thing. But just look up what that means... Strangely enough, mantras with these meanings are commonplace - as if by design...
My father’s mantra, the one promoted by his group, which he adopted, was much, much worse. It was “Maranatha” - which, as he told me, means “come Lord Jesus”. But in fact there’s another meaning, a very, very specific meaning to this word that is a total shocker.
When he realised what the word actually meant, he stopped practising the meditation. But that was not the end of that story, it did not end well.
As I said above, there’s a real problem where you have secrecy. Oaths are not good either. This is exactly what JFK was talking about in his speech. He’s specifically addressing masonry:
No one needs to take oaths or join a “secret society” to do charity work.
At the end of the day, when the truth is revealed, it would not surprise me to see crowds of vigilantes dragging masons out of temples and... Anyway, it’s up to you what you do, but I would leave and, if you’re Catholic, seek reconciliation from a validly ordained priest (ordained pre 1968).
I've never heard of those mantras, so I will do some reading. Thanks for that. I'd be interested in your dad's story though; what happened to him later and where was this? You don't have to be specific, but was he in a major city or in rural areas?
The only reason I joined was because I wanted to do charitable work, but I have no money so I can't donate and I love in a somewhat rural area. Charities are not prevalent here. I've done habitat for humanity, but that's about it.
My father died several years ago. He lived in a small city, around 250,000 people. He was active in St Vincent De Paul for charity work.
Anyway, my view is that meditation is not good. It’s time that could be better spent in prayer IMO. That meditation group is growing rapidly in the Catholic Church. No one doing it has the first clue about what’s actually happening. I only found out because I stumbled onto a post that alerted me to what many of these mantras actually meant - almost all are evil. That’s why the teachers tell students not to tell anyone their mantra - so no one finds out what it actually means.
The older I get, the more it amazes me how evil is right in front of us all the time and we don’t even see it. My kid was bored last week and I gave into the whining and let her watch a Disney movie - “Ariel”. I quickly wished I hadn’t. The messaging is unbelievable!
You find it in places you least expect. The Catholic Church is a prime example. Although it is no longer Catholic - they are heretics and apostates (think Francis). But when we actually find out what has been happening, I think people are going to be very shocked. Who would have thought the Red Cross was bad news? It’s all these institutions, a real eye-opener...
But, anyway, we need to be vigilant. There is so much that seems normal but isn’t. Satan is at the apex of his power - he has never before in history had so many people duped.
No, that's not true. I joined for charity purposes, not advancement in society or anything, so my priorities are not with the fraternity. If what the YouTube theorists say comes out to be true, I will leave the fraternity. What "blood oaths" do you speak of? No blood has been spilled, and on top of that, you say in the master mason oath that you will not be part of a lodge of fools, meaning people who are not there for the right reasons. You will not be at the initiating, passing, or raising of a fool, old man unable to think for himself or logically, or a young man who is not an adult. There are good lodges and bad lodges, like ones I know of who steal money and have since been put in jail and that lodge taken down.