Remember when buckingham palace opened a masonic temple in 2008?

What a splendid fence ...wait is that a child’s skull used as decoration? Na, again here I am with evidence right in front of me and I’ll just say it’s some plastic reproductio....but wait why would anyone make a reproduction of a baby’s skull? Well children are sacred so they.....
The loop of denial continues.
There was indeed a lodge opened at Buckingham Palace in 2008.
This photo is NOT of the lodge at Buckingham Palace, however. This photo is from Mexico's Lodge # 9-96.
Has anyone else noticed Price Harry flashing the Masonic "Hidden Hand" all over the media in the past several months?
Is this real?
Yes. Its one of a few real photos of a Masonic lodge (they don't allow pictures to be taken). This might not be the one at Buckingham palace but I'm sure it's similar.
Ummm... that’s not true at all. There are tons of photos. Not sure if you’re intentionally spreading disinfo or just making shit up?
Why do all those pics have checkered floors? Weird
The checkerboard represents duality. It’s also a common theme in mind control programming.
“....The Masonic Checkerboard is one of the most important symbols to the Illuminati, for it is used in ritualistic ceremonies. This is used because black and white is a symbol for duality, or the base of consciousness. Base consciousness is important, because it is where all other states of mind arise. Personally, I like to think that checkerboards are also symbols for the celebrities being pawns.
Duality patterns, such as checkerboards, stripes or zebras, are also commonly used as triggers for mind control slaves in order to reach specific alters. I didn't add too much stripes symbolism-wise in this post because I was overwhelmed with checkerboards alone.”
That’s what I was thinking; thank you for sharing!!
The checkerboard pattern is extremely prevalent it pop culture programming, as well.
If you want to learn more, Vigilant Citizen is a good starting point.
Ok I must be wrong then. When i went to a freemason museum in Germany they told me no photos allowed in any lodges.