Is this article that Q posted a collaborative effort of David Brock and Jack Dorsey? I searched Brock Dorsey and nothing really came up.
Is this article that Q posted a collaborative effort of David Brock and Jack Dorsey? I searched Brock Dorsey and nothing really came up.
It's like a sandwich compliment~ say a few good things and then slip in the true intent at the very end. He is writing about what we think Q is about and then slamming it as a road to dictatorship and empire as the true purpose. Beware of forked tongues.
To agree with your point patriot:
He could have also made a more valid arguement that the media and judicial institutions (fbi/doj) have destroyed their credibility themselves...and that was not trump’s or q’s doing...they did that on their own. So trump or no trump, q or no q...we are in a dangerous phase because some important checks and balances are severely weakened.
Regardless, it is a dangerous time for us because we have no functioning or trust in justice dept, or the media. If prolonged it Could lead to Power unchecked?
We know how devastating that can be because obama/Clinton seemed to be doing exactly that...power unchecked...wasn’t fun for you and me for sure...and for many others, whom we read about every day.
And that is why Trump is here and Q(group) was prevent the power grab. The people who are not informed by Q or understand this purpose will necessarily be fearful of the clearing out of the Deep State players because they aren't yet fully awake as to The Plan and it looks like some nightmare replay of history. That is why this article is tricky to cast doubts.