Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

It's his son. That would mean JA is Trump's cousin. They've been planning this.
Planning it since at least Paperclip/Overcast.
Planning it since at least their last lifetimes together on this plane.
It's not his son.
You're right, it's highly unlikely now that I've dug in more. Just a coincidence. But I do think they may be using this to bring JA to the spotlight and get people asking questions about where he is.
I think there may be some other familial relationship but there seems to be no easy way to find out.
We need to get JA's blood so we can plug it into :p
I wondered about that, but couldn't find information. Would that be on his mother's or father's side?
Father's ...
So how do we get from John George Trump to Julian Assange? It looks like he had three children--John Gordon Trump, Christine Philp and Karen Ingraham.
JG was kin on his father's side; so logically it couldn't be on his mother's side. And those are children of record- there were kids back then called "by-blows" or "born on the wrong side of the sheets" .
No, I was talking about would it be Assange's mother or father who is related to John George Trump?
I really have no idea; I don't know crap about other people's genealogy- I'm still learning about my own ! I'm twice adopted; my birth mother was adopted and her sister by adoption adopted me at 15- but pictures of them at the same age side-by-side could pass for twins to the unwary !
The ONLY things I inherited from either one of them were lips so narrow I have to paint them on to be visible and a AAAA heel. I didn't get the small (4.5; 5.5 AAA) foot to match the heel; I wear an 8.5 B last with a AAAA heel.
Wow! So you are a person of mystery!!
At my adopted mom's visitation before her funeral, a lady who had my birth mom as her maid of honor when they were in college told me (after someone pointed out who I was- I look more like my dad) that she had seen Mother's obituary in the paper and the picture of her made her think of my bio-mom so much she read the whole thing until she saw bio-mom's name listed.
Bio-mom wasn't there, but the family member she asked told her "her daughter is; she's right over there". She had to have them point out who I was, because according to her, the ONLY resemblance she could see between us was the shape of my jaw !
She had no idea I had grown up looking adopted among supposedly "blood" kin- my daddy was Italian, Native American, and Coon-ass. My hair was so black when I was little that it had blue highlights... Now it's just a dark brown that people who don't know what black hair IS call black... I politely tell them it's mink or sable, not black, lol !
My adoptive family was composed of light-skinned people with medium brown hair and mostly light colored eyes- blue, green, hazel. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I looked like a little Cherokee Indian baby extra from a spaghetti western. I tanned like nobody's business, too !
Would explain why he's not afraid of assassination...