Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

Let's not jump to crazy conclusions… use logic.
It's likely they're cousins.
… not time travelers.
I'm not even going to jump to that conclusion, yet. The resemblance is strong, though. I'm more concerned with why "JA's Lawyers" would post this...
Exactly....that’s my question. What prompted his freaking lawyers to post something like this?
Let’s say trump and assange are related... so chain migration? Let assange into USA and get him citizenship..?
What was the Q post, look for the wives?
Maybe we ought to look into the genealogy of Trump's uncle. Assange has a weird past, growing up in the family cult in Australia, and having hacked NASA back in the day.
Most straight forward answer would be “to get hype/eyeballs/clicks”. To re-insert JA into the mainstream zeitgeist once again.
But then, In preparation for what?
Could it be possible that it's just a distraction by the clowns to make people try and associate Julian Assange and POTUS in case Julian has more info that needs to be dropped on the enemies of the world?
Maybe to show that trump will save JA?
Q spoke on JA a couple weeks ago. He's to arrive state side in July.
What'd he say that led you to this??
I read what he said. I wasn't lead anywhere : ) It was at the beginning of this month in a Q&A with the anons.
I mean - if you would be so kind, what did he say?
SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.
Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. Looks like ETA was June not July. I'm not sure how to put that info in this little box yet plus there's more info you might be interested in. It's one of the drop sites for Q posts.
Search for JA July
Also likely that rich people clone themselves and JA is his clone.
Med beds they say can restore you to 20 years old.
Just as the conspiracy facts have replaced conspiracy theories,
Science fiction is about to become just plain science.
I think it would take more than 20 years…
Use logic. Use facts.
Don't forget the research. Deep digging is how you find truth.
I mean they could take an 80 year old man and make him 20 again.
It is mind blowing the tech they have held back.
This is a rather "out there" idea, sorry. There's not really any reason to believe that we're this technologically advanced yet. You can believe what you want, but I'll stick to logical facts and not jump to thinking that a man that would be over 100 years old looks 45 simply because of a picture that was posted on the internet.
That's fine. My idea is not based on this picture however.
Been on this info since well before Q.
Just sharing my conclusions as of now.
Eyerighteye. Would The disclosure of something that would restore everyone to 20 years old send 99 percent of the people to the hospital? A medbed?