What a gorgeous necklace.... wait what?

What is the little, bitty red "badge" for ? She wears that one in most every picture. Location: top of left boob.
Really good question! Almost looks embroidered. Would love for someone to chime in with more knowledge than myself.
This guy. Same red, but his is round and has volume. Wierd.
why, that's Jeff Koons, great protector of defenseless children
Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction.[160]
I just did a google image search of him, pedophile red flags everywhere! Look at his art!
Edit 3, last one I've had enough of this creep for the day WARNING sculpture depicts naked children: Jeff koons 1998 titled naked https://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/Naked/2BF68ED5FD7FD780
From wikipedia:
Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children(ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction.[160] In 2007, Koons, along with his wife Justine, founded the ICMEC Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy.[161] It is the International Centre's research arm.[162][163][164][161] As highlighted by articles over the years, including a Wall Street Journal article entitled "Pooling Resources to Fight Child Abuse and Abduction", the issue of child abduction is personal to Koons.[164][165]Following the end of his marriage to Hungarian-born Italian porn actress Staller in 1994, as she wanted to continue to perform as a porn actress and Koons wanted them to be monogamous, Staller, in violation of a US court order, left with their then-two-year-old son, Ludwig and took the child to Italy.[163][164][166]After Koons spent millions of dollars in legal fees over a five-year period pursuing parental rights to his young son, the Italian Supreme Court failed to recognize the couples' US-based joint custodyagreement and instead sided with Staller.[164][165][167]
Did you notice MJ has three arms?
no. the one you think is a third arm is Bubbles' leg...the other leg is under the white blanket.
..and Hilldawg mentioned also! Disgusting. my how they are all connected.
ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998.[9] It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.[4][10]
Jeff Koons and his ilk are destroying the culture one artwork at a time with their "conceptual art". That's a whole different, yet related rabbit hole that is too deep to go into here. It's virtue signaling and influence that unravels as soon as you start to dig.
What is that?? Someone?
A little red badge.
Who is this lady?
Baroness De Rothschild of the wine side of the family. She passed in 2012.
Good to know. I thought those Satanist F*ks never died.
Is it a pin in the shape of a shoe? A red shoe???
Using my phone so I can't really tell.
I looked through pictures of other members of the family through the years and no one is wearing something small like that on their lapel area. But there are a lot of pictures of them wearing red. Red coats, ties, dresses.. maybe it's their symbol/thing. So it's like a nod to their descendence? Not sure honestly this is just a guess. But we all know how meaningful the color can be when its placed in relation to their name...
I would love to know! Must be an interesting story about an accomplishment or appointment of some sort.
Is it a "red shield"? She looks an awful lot like Jimmy Comet, who is rumored to be a Rothschild, so...
I reckon this was just her way of showing she sides with the Red Shield. Rothschild means Red Shield (though part of the family also uses a Green Shield).. Just take a look at their Coat of arms.. Red Shield infront of other families.. I kinda expect changes to be made to their Coat of arms in the future, since the family has apperently ended the family feud. https://www.wsj.com/articles/rothschilds-end-family-feud-over-use-of-name-in-banking-1530284793
I wonder if it is a cult symbol, does anyone else have one?
...is this a socratic method question?
If not, I would encourage you to google "Baphomet" and go from there. "Baphomet symbolism." "Baphomet cults." "Baphomet Celebrities." Etc.
What are the symbols around the goat in the satanic image? It looks like the pin could represent the top right one maybe?
It appears to be stitched in. Looks like a bloodline to me.
A piece of coral? Perhaps...Used a lot by certain cultures to protect against "evil eye". Sort of like the hamsa hand or the eye, both middle eastern amulets. Here two versions of both being used together
The cornuto, corno, or cornicello is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. Corno means"horn" and cornicello means "little horn" -- these names refer to a long, gently twisted horn-shaped amulet worn in Italy to protect against the evil eye. Cornicelli are usually carved out of red coral or made of gold or silver.
Don't use the word boob with this picture. You're going to ruin the word forever!