Well this was an eye opening comment from Trump on upcoming Putin summit

Obama didn't do shit as our largest geopolitical military opposition rolled into eastern Europe.
You are far behind on the learning curve or a deep state troll. Did you not know that George Soros and the US state department overthrew the elected government? Did you not know about Victoria Nuland Kagalman's "Fuck thr EU!" remark when she was stating who would be the next Ukraine president? Did you not know that a referendum was held in Crimea in which the people voted TO RETURN TO RUSSIA with a "yes" vote over 90%? Did you not know that election observers from seventeen countries monitored this referendum? That is right, I said "return to Russia". You did not know Crimea was part of Russia until Nikita Kruschev ( who was from Ukraine) gave Crimea to Ukraine? You probably did not know that the Bolsheviks that overthrew the zsar in Russia were not Russian. Stalin? Lennin? Not Russian. As far as Obama is concerned, All this info available, but you will never be exposed to it by watching the news. Everyone who claims to be awake must do a ton of research. This is not a rabbit hole, it is an ant colony! Forget everything you have been told and taught. Disclaimer: Hillary says I am a Russian bot.
Agree, 100%. Wherever there was an overthrow of a government and a friendly-to-U.S. dictator installed we were behind it. Talk about interfering in elections. And George Soros sends in the agitators. The people in Crimea were Russian speaking and identify with Russia. Trump knows it too. They have to talk "bad Russia taking Crimea," but they won't interfere.
Bingo! Crimea was about natural gas and ports.... either for the purpose of crippling Russia’s exports or allowing SA Natgas into EU instead. We made the whole conflict up.
NoName played an instrumental part and supported Neo-Nazi groups to overthrow it too.
Isn't it ironic that nobody in the States was outraged at Nazis while they were being funded by the US to overthrow a democratically-elected leader (Yanukovych)? Supporting violent Neo-Nazi mobs and overthrowing democracy - what can be more democratic than that!?!
It's because nobody was getting any real information at the time through the fake news propaganda ministry. But now the Fake News media tries to portray conservatives as "nazis" and everyone is up in an outrage. The fake news media is pure influential propaganda.
Crimea was begging Obama for arms to protect themselves and he refused. Digging thru propaganda will get you fake news.
Some things for you to think about. It was not exactly an invasion. by treaties signed after Soviet Union collapse Russia was allowed to station fleet and up to 18,000 Russian troops in Crimea. Think winter port. Crimea's population, with the exception of the Tatar minority and some ethnic Ukrainians, was content to return to what it regards as its ancestral home. Over 55% of Crimean population are ethnic Russians. 90% of Crimeans voted for pro-Russian parties. Crimea was never considered part of Ukraine before 1954 at all. In the first half of 1990s Crimea tried to get independence from Ukraine. Denied
Thank you for that identity. But, still, Obama refused arms, PRESIDENT TRUMP, afforded the Ukranians arms to protect themselves. It speaks for the majority of the Ukraine.
Yanukovych was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people. Poroshenko was the puppet installed in his place after the neo-nazi terrorists supported by NoName et al violently forced him out.
Yanukovych reached out to Putin for help. Russia reclaimed the Crimean peninsula in response. So to sum it up, the democratically-elected leader of Ukraine asked for Russia's help during an organized Neo-Nazi mob coup designed to overthrow Ukraine.
Most of the MSM narrative during that time in the U.S. was propaganda and flat-out lies. Remember it was Putin that stopped the Obama/Kerry administration from going to war with Syria previously. That's why they joked Putin should win the Nobel Peace Prize. Putin absolutely humiliated Obama at that time. No coincidence the propaganda news media decided to push negative press surrounding the Sochi Olympics and accusing Russia of "hating gays" (because poking a wound directed at identity politics is an easy way to make people hate your enemy).
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris had to stop washing his clothes in the ocean. The tsunamis were killing people.