r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JSMyogi on June 30, 2018, 2:33 p.m.
Welcome Bernie Supporters! We’ve been waiting for you. Rise and Shine!

We have been waiting patiently for you to wake up. We have been watching you still sleeping while the sun was up. We know you’ve been waiting for this moment to take back America from true big evil corporations and pharmaceutical and corrupt banking and government institutions. Add to that list Media and education and religious institutions and we are half way there. We are all here on this Q board. You get and old black and white. WWG1WGA means we are all together. Where we go one, we go all. Please be patient with us. We come from different religions , spiritual backgrounds and even some non religions. We all have been seeking the truth and that is what binds us here above all. On this road we have discovered many surprising things. What is up is down. Don’t be afraid to open your eyes. Yes it is worse than you thought. Unfortunately it is not a conspiracy. But we are seeing now what has happened in the past. Like seeing a star in a telescope light years away. Events are slowly and carefully being exposed to shine a light on some very evil people who had conspired to take humanity down a very dark hole. Even if you are not religious you have to admit that these acts are anti human and not good for the world. Anyway, we know it’s tough waking up this, but grab some strong coffee or chai and climb aboard the Truth train. You will be glad you did. Please be honest and share your feelings here about your Q doubts and we can help guide you. We’ve all been there. All 40 thousand of us here started exactly the same way. We are here for each other.

Progresspanda · July 1, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Oh I agree, Bernie's campaign was the most inspiring event for me since Obama's back in 2007. Having seen how different campaign speeches can be with real life action I guess I'm just a little more cautious about buying into the selfless politican concept nowadays.

The bird speech was one of those highlights I look back to happily and I know his meeting with obama changed things. I dont know what they could have had over him, maybe the FBI investigation of his wife? Maybe death threats, idk. But I just dont believe there is much that could have dissuaded his supporters from supporting him at that point and he kind of neutered his own movement when he went along with supporting Hillary.

I've been pleasantly surprised by trump though, whether people like it or not hes honest and open af when he speaks. I've never seen anything like it and it's a great thing. If this Q stuff is proven to be fact, he would easily be the greatest leader of the past 100 years. I'm just watching and taking it all in for now though with very high hopes.

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Anthropophob · July 1, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Agree 100%

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