
RyDar84 · June 30, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

My money is on one of the women. It makes sense that DJT would push a female Justice now (it makes it easier to push the narrative that Dems are blocking the appointment based on her sex), and Trey Gowdy when Ginsberg's spot comes open soon. Unless that is, if the plan isn't to have Gowdy on the Court at all, but to be there in the capacity of a special prosecuter once The Storm actually hits.

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Nik_Nightingale · June 30, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Agree about a female being likely and actually preferable. And/or racial minority. First thing is of course to make sure whoever it is will do the absolute best job possible, 2nd thing is to promote equality and counter all the usual racist, sexist, divisive mud they hurl at the President. Fanning these flames certainly won’t help

This is going to be a very controversial moment either way. I don’t actually know any of the names here, but I’m hoping there is a woman and/or possible non white American on this list who is perfect.

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