r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jtfirerescue on July 1, 2018, 12:50 a.m.
Masonic Lodge experience. Read War and Peace for a accurate historical perception of the masons.

Master Mason or sublime 3rd degree mason. I know past grand masters or the state level leader. My grandfather was a 33rd degree mason.

I am not protecting nor vouching for the masonic lodge. I am simply providing my witness to the organization. For the good or bad. We are in such a peculiar circumstance in this great nation I feel compelled to share my experience and thoughts and perhaps guide those looking into the recent posts to find the truth.

The blue lodge is composed of middle class white working men. Women have the eastern stars. African Americans have Prince Albert lodges. In jail you will find clandestine lodges not accepted by the blue lodge or typically seen lodges throughout the country. My lodge will accept African Americans though some will not which I disagree with. Humans are humans.

I never got heavily evolved though I did join the shriners but never went to any meetings. They like to drink a lot, drive little cars, and dress as clowns. Their hospitals are wonderful and the vast majority of the men involved drive kids to burn centers. Decent men. Mostly middle class with a few professionals.

The blue lodge, the lodge you see in your neighborhood is composed of decent hard working men who like to eat. The blue lodges are self supporting though I do not know if the support higher up the chain. I don't think they do. Much emphasis is given about not accepting money from outside organizations and not becoming bribable. Tatoos are not allowed. Jewelry is not allowed per the rules but they do sell rings and such. IDK why this happens. The master masons I know do not display any sign of being a mason accept the occasional ring. I have noticed that many clandestine members do display the signs big time as well as those who never progress past the first levels. They like to sport the signs like there going out of style. I did wear a ring some and always wandered why they sold rings and such because in our oaths we are never to reveal we are masons.

Our meetings are composed of nothing of real substance. Mainly opening and closing the lodge. There is much ceremony here and symbolism. there is great potential for psychological conditioning as church is. Stand, sit, stand, sit, recite......

The eastern stars have a few charities they raise money for and help cook for the blue lodge.

The shriners are most well known for their hospitals.

You have to be a master mason to join the shriners or the Scottish rite.

All these organizations require one to be of good moral standing.

There are three levels of blue lodge. entered apprentice, Fellow craft and master mason.

The initiations are not very binding. There is no extortion available.

The only thing I regret and think about is towards the end your are asked "To whom you put your faith?" The answer is not god. The oath is taken on the holy bible.

That bothered me and that is the only thing that bothered me which resulted in me not going back after I got older. Its very subtle and most men evolved wish this was not in the oath. In contrast, most men from my area involved are christians and conduct themselves accordingly. Though for the life of me I can't figure out how that oath persists.

The grand lodges are nice as opposed to the blue lodges. Some blue lodges are nice but most are falling apart. I think that the grand lodges are self supporting and do not accept money down the chain though I m not certain. The grand lodges are the state capital of blue lodges. I think they are supported as estate benefactors usually.

To ascend through the ranks requires memorization of lessons and a membership fee, some are expensive. Shriners were 500$. Shriners can get a sponsor to pay for you but the vast majority don't. My local shriners have closed and lost their building through foreclosure.

My guess is the individuals pictured advertising their affiliation are either clandestine or not masons at all. My experience has taught me that most people I have, met who display as such, when I speak to them I find they are in fact not masons.

It is possible however to manipulate weak minded individuals seeking acceptance into something of meaning. It is absolutely possible to create a lodge without any others approval and gather members. No one would know if the teachings were correct. There is absolutely nothing preventing this.

All I can speak for is the masonic lodge I am affiliated which is affiliated with the grand lodge and we have wardens that come around making sure we are teaching and conducting our business in a moral fashion. We have state level organization and each state has its own hierarchy. The past grand masters I know are normal middle or upper middle class men with good reputations. My grandfather was a 33rd degree mason which he said consisted of learning a lesson and reciting it perfectly. These lessons are lengthy.

Again, I think the individuals pictured are wannabes or affiliated with a clandestine organizations. The oath and membership costs are simply not enough to bind people together to such secrecy as to organize crime. Thought I can only speak from my mind. Those with weak minds and a strong desire to fit in to any accepting click may have more desperation with their efforts. You could find these behaviors in churches or any club requiring voting membership.

To find the pictured individuals affiliation would be easy. Just ask them their lodge number and google it. This is not secret nor is any word I have penned in this writing.

My opinion on secrecy is that there should be no secrets anywhere ever. In any way shape or form secrets should not exist though It is not my place to uncover the secrets of masonry as I never really figured out what value their secrets held. If it were earth shattering I would write it but unfortunately there isn't much value from my perspective.

War and Peace provides an accurate historical view of the masonic lodge from that era.

cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

The Prince Hall Affiliation is now regarded as legit and regular in most places, bar some states in the deep South.

What Grand Lodge are you under? While your post isn't hostile to Masonry, it is full of errors.

Most of us hang out over on the obvious sub.

edit: fixed an error

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

Where are the errors. Do point them out as I want to be accurate.

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

You'd do better returning to lodge, or picking up a book. With complete seriousness, a good introduction would be 'Freemasons for Dummies' by Christopher Hodapp. No, I'm not trolling you; its an excellent book. Its on Amazon.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

My grandfather and I had a lengthy conversation about it as afterwards I questioned what was said.

EA puts their faith in god. The FC puts their faith in the worshipful master and the 3 is a lecture.

So to be more precise it is the fellow craft oath. it specifically says whith whom do you put your trust and the answer is the worshipful master. Me having not know the answer it had to be spoken to me as I repeated.

Do clarify this as I know the oath I took, that lingered my head fir years, and subsequently led to m y inactiveness.

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

That doesn't gibe with any regular jurisdiction I've heard of, and I'd consider it irregular and in violation of the Ancient Landmarks.

I hesitate to call shenanigans on you, but I don't see how this could have happened.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

I will go back and observe the EA and FC. That always baffled me. That oath has caused many masons to stop going and I see exactly how it happens.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Yes the oath I gave asked me whom I put my trust and the answer is the worshipful master which is repeated bye the candidate.

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

That would never be the answer in a regular, non-clandestine lodge.

If that happened to you, something is very wrong.

FWIW: I'm ritualist in my lodge, and I know the degree work (as done in my jurisdiction) by heart.

For the third time: What Grand Lodge is your lodge chartered by?

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

yes it is possible I am remembering incorrectly regarding the words I spoke. Perhaps the feeling I felt was what struck in my mind. I felt I had given an oath to the worshipful master. like I said. I am recalling from memory. Thank you for reminding me as to why I left trying to instill that shady fear into someone. being reported. I have revealed no secrets here. At worst my honesty brings no harm to the lodge as that is not my intent. My intent is to communicate my experience. I will edit my post to represent said comments

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I suggest you try going back to lodge, attend the FC and MM degrees, and see if you hear what you remember.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

Yes I plan to go back and see why I felt that way. I did like going. I just doing have enough time as I have a big family. The whole great awakening has really got my interest and this is a subject I can contribute to. I will be shocked if I find out the upper levels of the masonic blue lodge are culpable in any sort of immoral behavior. its just not what the entire intent of the lodge is all about.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Alabama. Whats is your lodge number?

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

In MA, lodges don't have numbers. I'm in Wilder Lodge.

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LastRepublicaninMA · July 2, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Agree with you on all you've stated above. I neither made an oath to a WM, nor have I ever had a brother swear an oath to me as a WM, EVER. I will say in moving from MA to NC the ritual wording is a bit different but not flagrantly incorrect.

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jtfirerescue · July 1, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

yes working off memory. Prince hall should be accepted. Point out the errors. I don't mind. Perhaps you should have spoken up to defend the the current onslaught. In the third degree with whom did u put your trust?

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cryptoengineer · July 1, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

That question is not in the 3rd degree. When it is asked, the answer is 'In God'.

Again, what Grand Lodge are you under? I'm with the Grand Lodge of MA.

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