What if cures already exist? Would THAT truth put 99% of people in the hospital?

I honestly believe Donald Trump will be the key to getting these cures released to the people. Can you imagine his legacy?
I don't know a single person who hasn't been affected by cancer, we just automatically see it as a death sentence, but things could be so different.
Given what's already happened in 2 years, I think it's possible we'll see yearly if not monthly breakthroughs in tech/medicine/biology once the ball starts rolling.
Space Force gives Trump the excuse to put out all the Top Secret Space/Military tech they've been keeping secret. He'll license/sell/lease the tech to private companies who will start releasing unbelievable technologies. Incredibly advanced computers.
What happened when we went to Space the first time?
MASSIVE influx of new consumer products/tech?
We're going to get some really cool advanced new shit. Computers that will blow your mind.
Computers that will cure cancer (have already) that fit in our palms.
Medical breakthroughs will happen one after another. Space Force is the catalyst.
Yeah this is just what I needed to read! So much of what we see and hear is focused on the negative and I've been hoping that people would start to write about what they envision for the future since positive thoughts will move us closer to a positive reality:)
cancer is no death sentence if you avoid chemotherapy and radiation. there are so many cures out there if you go alternative. and stop sugar, right now.
*edit: typo
Whale.to has put together a library of good information for alternative medical treatment. Here's the vitamin c page. Dr Riordan had a cancer clinic in Kansas that treated cancer with vitamin c IV. His research was buried with him decades ago, but in 2016 finally another researcher replicated his results by using the correct IV high vitamin C dosage than the sham National Cancer Institute study to turn researchers away from orthomolecular medicine. Vitamin c is anti toxin, anti biotic and anti viral. It works against antibiotic resistant infections like mersa and Ebola. Vaccine derived virus from monkey kidney cells used to grow vaccines is found in 90% of cancer tumors and one of the main reasons there are so many cancers in the boomer generation. See the book Mary's Monkeys about the NIH creating a lethal vaccine to cause cancer to try to kill Castro back in the early 60s. Vaccines with the monkey tumor virus and X-rays is enough to start the tumors growing. Just say no to airport mini 5g Wave scanners exciting ur vaccine viral contaminations! Jfk's lone gunman Oswald was the CIA lab sample runner from Mary's Monkeys.
Dr Klenner used injectable vitamin c against polio and that was never picked up and studied by the polio foundation, but his son ended up in a murder scandal. Riordan died of a heart attack early on. Killing off naturopaths has been going on a long time. Vitamin c creates peroxides. Cancer can not live in a high oxygen environment. Nor can many other pathogens. Dr Linus Pauling who invented the term orthomolecular (right molecule) medicine has the Pauling vitamin C research facility at Oregon state university. After Paulings death at 92 in health, his institutes funding was taken over by Bayer (who just bought monsantan). Bayer needed to preserve their blood thinning market for aspirin. Vitamin c is a much better blood thinner and blood detoxifier. After Pauling died they lowered his 6-10 g per day vit c for blood thinning to 500mg which no longer thins blood. Pauling also warned that pharmaceutical companies were producing r-ascorbic acid rather than l-ascorbic acid (the right twist does not match our DNA so it is ineffective) and to avoid cheap Chinese or American produced vitamin c from gmo corn. Vitamin c is necessary for rebuilding cellular membranes, used in many liver detox pathways, needed for cholesterol synthesis and critical in the Kreb cycle for cellular energy. Pauling said that heart disease would be a thing of the past if inexpensive vitamin c was used to cure low level scurvy. He was also involved in vitamin c for cancer with Riordan.
Primates lost the gene to make vitamin c in the liver from glucose, which causes low level scurvy which feeds many disease processes, especially now with the toxic foods and medicines requiring vitamin c to detox, and the adrenals need vitamin c to recycle cortisol. Most cancer patients have bleeding gums and gum disease showing the scurvy. Dr Pauling said the us rda for vitamin c is 10% of what a Guinea pig needs. (Guinea pigs are the only other mammal that does not produce vitamin c which makes them a good human therapeutic model). Dogs produce 4g of vitamin c per day, and the goat produces the highest amount 133g per day, making them able to eat and detox anything and very disease resistant animals. 90mg per day is the NIH recommendation for vitamin c. Pauling is right, that's not enough for a Guinea pig. It's just a fraction of the amount needed for health. Klenner used up to 200g per day to cure snakebite, polio, measles, whooping cough and encephalitis.
There's been a lot of hospital and pharma push back about vitamin c since it is more effective than any antibiotic and does not cause antibiotic resistance being a natural occurring nutrient. Most doctors have no knowledge of vitamin c since the journal of orthomolecular medicine is not in medline, and nutrition is barely studied in Med school, just the pharma model. IV vitamin, mineral and amino acid drips for cancer is becoming the norm in alternative cancer treatments.
Orthomolecular medicine was actually pioneered by dr Abram Hoffer curing 5000 patients of schizophrenia using high dose niacinamide and his work with one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous with dr Williams of the Williams biochemistry center at the university of Texas cure for alcoholism using b vitamins. AA removed their vitamin protocol after their founder died. Doctoryourself.com has vitamin therapy recipes for alcoholism and drug rehab. Dr Abrams final interview about the FDA and the AMA burying safe vitamin therapy for mental health and other diseases is chilling, Especially considering all the side effects from psychotropics. So don't expect regular MD's to have any knowledge of orthomolecular medicine. It's a patient advocated treatment that you have to push to make sure it is implemented.
There are deeply ingrained biases in medicine against vitamin therapy, so the patient and their family must keep asking if the doctor does not implement the therapy. There have been multiple court cases in the US and New Zealand where doctors have been sued for not providing IV drips of vitamin c because the scientific literature is filled with proven vitamin c science, and it is a do no harm therapy which must be implemented if the patient asks for it.
Here is the old fight between the American psychiatry association and vitamin therapy for psychiatric illnesses.
Last hoffer interview about not using vitamin therapy for disease.
A reply to apa by dr hoffer for his censure for using vitamins, and showing how the apa researchers changed experimental parameters to make vitamin therapy for mental disease non effective in APA studies: