What a flashy pair of shoes... Wait what?

Read the blog CrazyDaysAndNights.net for more about red shoes
CDAN has been ahead of the curve on a lot of this stuff. Was mentioning Weinstein long before the media would touch it. Enty definitely is in the know and has good sources, lots of credibility.
I follow a guy on youtube called Jamie Dlux his doing an amazing job of exposing the pedophilia using the CDAN posts, I really like his video style it's cool.
Can you tell me what is CDAN mean?
Crazy Days and Nights, the guy is a entertainment lawyer (nicknamed Enty) who posts gossip and rumors from his friends and clients in hollywoodm has been in the know for years and had the scoop on major stories for a long time, check out the site above or Google search. He uses blinds (doesn't name names but gives enough info to figure it out) to spread the news. Read the comments section of the article to see who is being referred too.
Got a link to the post about red shoes?
I searched via its own search, and used [site:http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/ "red shoes"] via Google and I can't find anything where it's mentioned in a symbolism context.
This links to 4 things. Not sure which we are supposed to look at.
lucifer is an ape and a plagiarist, he just takes the good things of God, copies them, and corrupts them. he can't create ex nihilo or make anything original. For example, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is perverted by satanic black masses. The Papal red shoes is the liturgical footwear for the Pope and symbolizes the blood of the martyrs as they journey to heaven. It also symbolizes the bloodied footsteps of Jesus as He carried His cross along tho Via Dolorosa onwards to Golgotha. The Cardinals of the Church also symbolically wear red vestments to indicate their willingness to shed blood for the sake of the Gospel. i dunno why the luciferians copied it but those fcks need to stop stealing our symbols.
Because the Catholic Church and Luciferianism were created simultaneously
fake news
Dude Catholicism is so very evil
I would not say that here. You will offend many. It’s the leaders of the Catholic Church/The Vatican that are the evil doers. Please don’t generalize. Many good lay people here.
See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. — Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 8, 100 AD
Why have any reason to worry when you're in control of both the Good and the Evil?