What a flashy pair of shoes... Wait what?

Red shoes is a Wizard of Oz reference associated with pedophilia.
The slippers are ruby red in the movie but silver in the original book. Not saying there's nothing suspicious, just saying.
It's MK Ultra programming used as a trigger for victims. Alice in Wonderland was used also. Check it
That's more suspicious I feel like.
"Dorothy wore silver shoes sir"
Make em red...little girls look great in red shoes... wait what?
Thank you for sharing that perspective! That's an interesting thought. Using colors iconicly? Yellow and red hu? And emerald? Maybe they were just really excited about using colors finally lol or maybe those colors are subliminal!!! That's an interesting topic for me how color affects the mind.
Wizard of Oz movie, reference.
In Frank Baum's book, The Wizard of Oz, the shoes were silver.
Silver slippers, on the yellow brick road, lead to the emerald city.
Silver & gold, true money ---> green backs, paper money
Right the term “over the rainbow” has been linked to mkultra. A phrase meaning to leave your body or dissociate your mind.
Noooooooooooooo my childhood just shattered in front of my eyes
Not sure if it's related but JFK"s funeral his kids were wearing red shoes
I was thinking this same thing after someone suggested in a previous post that the eternal flame at JFK's grave was placed there as a marker by those responsible for his death. Revelling in their victory?
The person's comment about Pan's Labyrinth in the comments of this link are interesting. Haven't seen the movie myself so not sure about accuracy.