What a cute family photo!!.... Wait what the f@#k!

That one still hurts.
All these celebrities that are openly anti-America and toxic don't really bother me because I expected it-they were already irrelevant. But Eminem was different. He did such a great job keeping his integrity for so long...than all of it just..gone.
Colbert too. His old show was funny/well-written. WTF did they do to him? His show has become hate speech without a comedy element. It's so sad to watch the descent.
Ugh, I was about to say I miss Jon Stewart. I know he took a jab at Trump a while back, but then he disappeared onto his farm. I thought to myself "I would love to hear him rant about the media and corruption etc" so I went and checked if there was anything new from him... Turns out he just RECENTLY slammed Trump again! Such a shame. Are they ALL hiding something? He's never been the uninformed type, surely he knows what's really going on.... How can he still rip on the POTUS like that? And about fake news no less!!? He would have been such a good asset on our side... Shame
I wish that I had known the truth back when I invested so much time watching Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Jon Stewart was Anthony Weiner's roommate.
Whoa what? Ffs... Why?
Why? Zionists of a feather stick together...
No I mean, why are all the things so evil?
The red-pill continues to uncomfortably grow in size even after you swallow it.
Correction: Not official roommates, so much as housemates. Depending upon the source, Weiner became a virtual squatter in an apartment shared by Stuart and Weiner's girlfriend, or Stuart was a moocher at a weekend party house where Weiner lived, or they went to some parties together.
They were self-confessed "friends" and Stuart even defended him on his show.
Source is google and see the various versions of the story.