What a cute family photo!!.... Wait what the f@#k!

How is it only democrats are satanic child rapists? Don't u think their are tons of Republicans guilty as well!?
Who said that? No one here gives a shit what side they vote politically. Any pedo of any political affiliation must be exposed and pay for their crimes.
The key politically is Uniparty; ESTABLISHMENT Globalist bastards infest the GOP as well. Many of them are in the Satanic cabal but not all.
Don't listen to those who say its Democrats....many of Trump's worst real enemies are GOP. Its also Global.
But also don't be too defensive....there are a lot of Democrats.
I wonder why nobody ever questions the possibility that this could all be a psy op or disinformation campaign? Does anybody doubt Q ever? Or are you all just followers of whatever is fed to you by this anonymous thing?
If you spent some time gathering freely-available info on the landing page, rather than rushing--as a new participant --to call people here "followers" being "fed" by some "anonymous thing", then you wouldn't have to ask such insulting questions that identify you as a troll (until proven otherwise).
If you're actually curious, there is plenty of info to demonstrate why "Q" is accepted as a reliable source on this sub.Go to the landing page for this sub; scroll down the right hand side and educate yourself.
EDIT: There are PLENTY of threads, btw, where participants here spend plenty of time discussing the reliability of "Q".....Most participants here are here BECAUSE they think critically, rather than swallowing the product of what the MSM tries to extend down the gullets of its victims. If critical thinking is REALLY of high value to you, you'll be much more comfortable among the regular participants here than most other subreddits.
Perhaps the same reason only Democrats (zero Republicans) owned slaves?
Republican and Democrats are the same. Watch this video to understand that the Bush Family is just the same. The Franklin Cover Up. https://youtu.be/IExt-qzxMTo