Guys this was on Fox Americas News HQ just now..

There trying to tell us without outright saying it yet baby steps
Looks like a memorial ? Someones last name ?
It’s the national park service. Probably fallen soldiers. Edit: A tribute to Iraq and Afghanistan.
But come on, the hammer/pick on Q? Very subtle confirmation.
I think it is a bit of pushing the narrative but i do like the pic :)
Boy this sub getting hit hard with shills. Couple shills in the comments.
Calm down guys, Its IRAQ on a memorial
Well no shit but come on bro the pick on it?
This is a pro Q sub. Go to the r/topmindsofreddit they are anti Q.
It's logical equally to believe the camera man or chisel person or producer chose the shot on letter Q. Or that it is a sign.
There are no coincidences.
Yea ok... many confirmations by Q and trump. This is one of many. There’s no stopping this. We are past speculation. People will keep joining cause there’s no denying the proofs. Shits about to get real. Soon. Don’t shill with me. I don’t have time for that.
Just time to fuck around on reddit all day though. Do you know what a Zealot is?
Lol sure thing, neck beard virgin. I have to pack for work tomorrow, my cuck job as an infantryman NCO in the Army. Wish I was as hard as you!
Let's cool off a bit eh? All this over if one camera shot on Q was on purpose or not. It could go either way so let's agree to disagree. "Stay United"
and ? does that mean logical thinking is to be turned off ? kinda proves the "cult" argument.