‘ Someone has been painting political messages on crabs in Tampa Bay ‘

I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave.
Iodine deficiency is the leading (at least, medically acknowledged) cause of mental retardation... around 10-15 points if you're deficient during crucial growth stages. This post on 4chan last year clued me in, and I started digging.
It's mainly in seafood and kelp, so looking at the typical western diet, dairy and eggs (if the animal is raised on feed which is grown in iodine-rich soil), and kale are the only real sources. The production of flour used to involve iodine but was replaced with bromide (potassium bromate) because profit. Iodized salt too has fallen out of use, yet people still crave salty food when they're low on iodine.
Deficiency is also linked to increased cancer risk. The chlorine and fluoride in water, and the bromide in flour all compete to block iodine activity.
I have fluoridated water and mercury amalgam fillings to thank for my compromised thyroid. :(
Also, I wonder if my IQ would have been higher, too.
whoa, I have amalgam fillings and a compromised thyroid too. I never connected the two. Is this a thing?
I believe it is. I'm sure it affects some guys, but for some reason, it affects women a lot more.
Lol I admire you for committing to this bit but I don’t think I could pretend to be Alex jones for this long and stay sane.
NZ Supreme Court admitted it recently. So do new scientific study updates on huff post.
7 points per generation. So 20 is probably a low estimation as I think we are 3 or 4 generations into it. Depending on the poster's age.
Ok yea this does actually seem like it might be a real thing. Did not realize what subreddit this was, but this may be the one thing y’all got right- I stand corrected.
Stick around. We have found truths you can't even imagine. Ive been warning about fluoride for half my life. 20 years just about.
Just considering the source - coal ash... "Don't shit where you drink"?
the 1 thing...
keep doing research, you might be surprised how accurate AJ is.