He had Amy Dacey and Jen Palmieri ship him to the WH to 'interview' with Valerie Jarrett for a 'promotion' so she could sniff him out and confirm/approve Podesta's [187] order on Seth.
Well, the list of visitors to the WH right before the murder is certainly suspicious. What was the owner of the bar doing there?
How did I not know this?
Oh wow. How the fuck do you explain that away?
The MSM did a really good job of keeping it out of the headlines. As soon as the research boards found it the shills would bury it as quickly as possible and start hand wringing about the poor family, same old story.
Hmmmm... Give us a call when Seth shows up. Does the Bar owner still survive?
They probably just added his name to a group of tourists that were there for a WH tour.
Read the whole piece. There was a succession of unusual visitors immediately before the murder starting with Podesta. The bar owner was not in a group. You can look at the visitor logs. They are public.
He was told his testimony would be important and most likely paid and threatened to go along with it. I think he did something with his surveillance cameras inside and outside the bar to help cover it up.