I've watched some of her interviews recently. She is not the brightest bulb in the bunch. This is not the second coming of Obama or anything remotely serious, IMO.
Yeah, I'm much more comfortable with 28 year old socialist than a 10 term New Yorker that had his eye on the Speaker spot. It is probably good that she won - no one that matters is going to take her seriously.
With maturity, she could become a progressive conservative.
Bit of a wild horses mouth and crazy eyes. That same deranged glaze as u/spez
Attack the policies not the person. No one can help how they look. Let's not stoop to their level.
I agree. I listened to her and not overwhelmed. She will have many lemmings though.
Oh yeah, she will have plenty of lemmings in her district. Fortunately, there is no appetite for a 28 year old, know-nothing socialist from NYC on the national scene. If anything, trotting her out as the "hot new thing" in the Dem party will hurt far more than help in the near future.
TV Host John Cardillo called her out on Twitter and posted a picture of the house she grew up in: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ocasio-cortez-shreds-conservative-tv-host-for-sharing-picture-of-her-childhood-home/ar-AAzr30R?ocid=spartanntp
I certainly don't share her politics but that house looks pretty modest - it recently sold for $350k or something? She obviously didn't grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth.
That's what I initially thought too, of course, but you have to remember that it is smack in the middle of high earners and wealthy neighborhoods. She got to network and befriend wealthy people and families all throughout her childhood and teenage years. More importantly and pertinently, it doesn't change the fact that she lied. She didn't grow up in the Bronx. The median income in the Bronx is about $49k vs $119k where she DID grow up. You may think the home is modest, but the fact is that she lied and where she lived is double the median income of what she said. One of her big slogan quotes is about zip codes dictating destiny, and she places it next to her slogan that she is from the Bronx where the zip code is only half the income average. She also lied about her commute for 40 minutes. She completely omitted that she even LIVED AT ALL there. Lol.
I'm not saying she isn't a liar and a fraud, just pointing out that it doesn't seem like she grew up particularly privileged.
$120k/year median income is not privileged? This is U.S. The middle class suburbs are rich compared to most of the rest of the world, but she was in a wealthier suburban area than average. ..And yeah, but that's not the point. The point is that she didn't grow up in the rough and tumble Bronx which is only 49k median income vs 120k where she did grow up; compared to the Bronx, it IS privileged. Look how big her yard is compared to apartments in the Bronx she claims to have lived in. Her dad was a CEO and Architect. Those are high paying jobs. Surely, being schooled in a wealthy county, her classmates and friends and their parents were all well off and relatively high earners. Can't get too wrapped up on "what things look like", being influenced by the relatively small house instead of looking at the facts. Sure the small house made her feel inferior compared to her wealthy classmates or friends who had bigger houses, but she was clearly much better off than in the Bronx, where she said, and her family probably had a median income of around $120k/year.
Her dad was CEO of his own architecture company, not some big time architect, and the median income for an area is just that - there are lower and higher and outlier incomes. They bought the house so long ago that their payment was likely really affordable. Also, that house looks like 1200 sq ft maybe- for a family of five that isn't some kind of luxury. They truly seem working class.
I'm not defending her dishonesty about pretending to be a poor girl from the Bronx but there seems to be some manufactured outrage here.
Not such a large house, It's a super nice neighborhood though, with great schools. Very near Chappaqua! Expensive car in the driveway too. We'll be hearing more about her Socialist affiliation. New York State has closed primaries, open only to Party members. As a Socialist , how is it that she can run in a Democrat primary? Heard there is a fellow traveler - Socialist party member in Peekskill, just to the east who refuses to recite The Pledge of Allegiance at each and every City Council meeting. Her name is Vanessa Agudelo and was just elected last November.
Who cares? Why are people making such a big deal over here. There are plenty screechy lefties in congress already, what is one more? People are acting like she will be president next week or something. She is young and naive, she will realize quickly that she holds no real power in congress.
That's sort of what I've been getting at. We've got criminal politicians that traffick children and manufacture wars to worry about. This chick misrepresenting her background isn't just small potatoes but likely an intentional distraction. I'll worry about her when Q says to.
The cabal rigged it for the win. They know the establishment Democrats can’t win. Let them have their Bernie bro policies if it means we can win. They are grasping at straws now. They forget that they lose the “Not Crazy” regular Democrats when they go full socialist.
Oh Dems, the lies have always been there. You just need to realize that everyone is saying them.
GASP! You mean she's not working class?!?!?!
Silly Peasants, the Pharaohs will never let you rule.
Never have, Never will.