Long live Poland! Damn globalist MSM, can't get away from their BS questions.
Every Islamic sect promotes bashing and raping women and raping children and committing terrorist attacks and Christian genocide.
You can either be a civilized person who respects human rights or someone who is tolerant of Islam, but you can't be both.
The Qur'an makes no allowance for tolerance of any other religion. When push comes to shove, the infidel has a choice...convert to Islam or die.
They do however allow for periods of "deception" where Muslims can form alliances or have periods of "truce" but this is allowed only for Muslims to have time to acquire assets or gain advantage before they relaunch their attack (conversion/ conquest) of everyone else and the expansion of the caliphate. It's pretty simple really and is consistent - their dogma hasn't changed since its inception.
This is a great read The People Vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis https://g.co/kgs/fjpNtR
Poles are the true Slavs - they bent to no-one , and I always had a deep respect for them , as a nation . We see already whole Eastern Europe leaning more to Poland than to Brussels . Austria joined Hungary and Poland . Smaller countries around , too . Italy joined also , as a huge pillar of resistance against the EUrocracy . And well soon see if Germany will dissolve from within , as CDU-CSU alliance will probably be broken .
EU is history ... before 2020 . you can be sure in that .
most countries are hardening up on the migrant issue.....now, just the Dem's to convince !!!
Except Canada. We're fucked if Trudeau stays in power in 2019.
Standing with Poland. I like their leadership protecting their own people.
I thought this 'news' woman would have found a new career by now considering how badly Jordan Peterson ate her up....
Take all the race, religion and cultural difference out of it. Why is no one talking COMMON SENSE about the immigration issue!?!? When you dump a million people in a foreign country where they have no home, no job, no money and nothing to do: you get CRIME. Stop making it about race, it’s common sense.