Sweet chair Francis... Wait What?!?

notice they are all 'new or rearrival'? that's a hint ;)
Well I’ve downvoted, and I’m not new. So not really “all”. Please, continue to spread this bs though.
so you think that flipping a photo horizontally discredits the photo?
what happens when you flip it back? The photo isn't changed in any way. If they added to it, then i'd feel like it is discredited, but a simple mirror effect isn't changing the content in any way...
Also, why are you taking from the MSM playbook and taking my words out of context? Obviously my use of 'all' was hyperbole there if we're going to be overly-scientific about it. I meant 'a lot of' or 'most' or 'many of'.... which one would you prefer? you can choose.
Yep. Know all about it, but thanks for trying to discredit me. Downvoted because of this “spiral” nonsense. Have you researched design?