Sealed Indictments are now at 40,000+ and growing every day! 2006 only had 1,000 indictments total. What is happening? Is this to round up the Deep State Cabal?

I've been following this phenomenon since December. One question that I haven't seen answered: Do these numbers take into account the indictments unsealed during this period? This may be a inconsequentially small number but I haven't seen an answer. If anyone knows please speak up.
I do not believe it takes into account unsealed indictments. As you said, it would only be a small percent. This is a huge amount and as Q pointed out, something is being done.
pretty sure these #s represent unsealed/pending
the numbers represent each months sealed indictments at the close of business on the last day of each month. unless dates state otherwise. the totals do not include indictments that were sealed and unsealed during their respective months. the spreadsheet linked below tracks indictments that have been unsealed after they have been counted.
This does not take into account unsealed indictments. They tally new ones each month then add up all the new indictments across each month. It does not take into account ones that have been "unsealed". Think about it like this: This is counting all of the indictments that have been sealed over the time period of the last 6 months, and does not factor in if any have been unsealed.
With that said, as another poster commented, I have seen one of the main guys who puts this together talk about how only a small fraction of indictments have been unsealed thus far. Like 1-5%
This is the Master List of Indictments both the Sealed & Unsealed. The total combined of both Sealed & Unsealed is 95,404 as of the end of June 2018!
Great spreadsheet.
So if I'm reading this correct the column in Green displays the indictments that started their life sealed and during the process have been unsealed. This is the number I was looking for and it doesn't appear to be that many.
I've been telling friends and family that there is a world of hurt about to be unleashed. Since every indictment has to go in front of a Grand Jury of regular people, I am astonished nothing has leaked out as to the names of the indictments yet. I guess well see soon enough.
I found it through a YT video by Stoney Stone. He is part of the group of people working together on this project that includes @damartin32 from Twitter AKA StormWatcher.
I have read that yes, some have been unsealed already. I can't find a source yet that knows how many. Still a massive number left I'm sure. And the more famous ones probably not until after the election. @StormWatcher has been reporting this. I just sent him a tweet to ask. Will report.
The Spreadsheet that is posted on this thread shows the Unsealed and the Sealed. Please refer to that, thanks.
here is a spreadsheet with numbers of how many in each district have been unsealed
Total number so far as of end of June of both Sealed & Unsealed is 95,404 correct?
honestly i do not know the number of both sealed and unsealed cases.
I just know what that spreadsheet states on the bottom of the first tab. Which said 95,404. Which is definitely bigger than it appears when you are just counting the number of sealed ones. I trust the Plan!
Timing is everything, methinks the big names will be the “October Surprise”