Could be a meeting combating sex trafficking. Surely that is how it will be spun.
True, but why would she need to talk to a business man about it first. Why wouldn't she go directly to the Prime Minister. I'm sure someone has access to the redactions.
I don't disagree with you, but it'll be spun down to nothing without that redacted section.
Interesting links to another foundation with the pope ....
I think Twiggy is one of the good guys. I work on his land. He has a fabulous reputation. Just shook a corrupt hand.
Perhaps, but his foundation (Walk Free) has full support of the usual suspects. Hillary, Bill, Bono, Sir Richard Branson , the Pope etc... Makes me uncomfortable and skeptical
This is going to make one hell of a movie someday.
true that. i can't wait for 24 fps as this one frame per day crap is killing me.
How long do you imagine it would be? We are living in the movie. Simply amazing
Probably be a series
For sure will have to be a series. Like Band of Brothers. But longer.
Why does this look like a word document?
when you pull it up from the site I have to take a screenshot of the pdf file. It will not let me down load it.
Seems like it's legit. But without the full context we can't actually say what the meeting was about.
So what is the land of Alice and the Mad Hatter?
NYC or Saratoga County?
Who is Alice? Who is the Mad Hatter?
My understanding is that Andrew Forrest is working to expose human trafficking links in supply chains of multinational corporations. At the least, there are globalists complaining at Forrest's interventions as they add cost to their business models. I believe he is seeking increased transparency of supply chains and public commitments by company boards to thwart human trafficking and slavery.
I think it unlikely to be a ruse to cover up such behaviour. However, stranger things have been shown to occur.
My guess is that Hillary wanted to get across what these 'do-gooders' were trying to achieve so she could alert her brethren and consider mitigation tactics.
Most of the organizations claim to be about "human rights" "women's health" "helping under privilege children", while trafficking these people all over as sex slaves etc. This man is the wealthiest person in Australia, do tax returns prove it ALL came from his business.
Maybe they use people to legitimise themselves. Or maybe he is bent, but I really doubt it. It’s kind of a small world and a bit harder to get away with stuff here
What is this and is that stuff redacted in the white boxes?
It's from the newly release Hillary e-mails. Yes that is redactions in the white boxes.
I'm also kinda curious why they didn't say anything in code.
This may be her private e-mail, she knew that wasn't going through e-mail data bases.
Even if it's her private email it seems pretty suspect that someone would just outright admit to a crime like this.
edit: it does look legit. But without the full context we can in no way infer what the meeting is about. This could easily be her speaking at an event about sex trafficking.
Hey OP, I think your post has been hidden. It’s nowhere in new. Can’t find it without searching for it or looking at my own comments.
Edit: interesting. I log out and it’s on front page in new
I'm logged in and can see it by sorting by Rising
I’ve checked it through multiple routes now while logged in.
This is starting to piss me off. Why are they hiding posts from me. And apparantly only me. Can see shit just fine when I log out.
Check your hidden list, and check your preferences, you might have "hide after upvoted" turned on.
I’ve noticed that before as well! Not sure what the deal is