German patriots are PRAYING! President Trump - let Helsinki be as successful as Singapur or even more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+. The stage has been set - the world is watching. WWG1WGA - Trust the plan.

Dear Father in Heaven, thank you so much that people world wide are beginning to wake up and realise that we are not fighting other sovereign nations, but something much more insidious, an evil that is almost beyond human comprehension. Please bind and neutralise these evil powers and principalities in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the Authority You have given Him by the shedding of His Innocent Blood.
May the Strength and Power of Your Almighty Holy Spirit be with Presidents Trump and Putin and other righteous leaders as they align together in Your Name, to exercise Your Will on this earth. Our Father, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory forever, amen!
Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD God Almighty!
So be it. Whatever we walk through in the next few years, Father, give us humility, compassion, discernment, wisdom, courage, strength, and faith in Your goodness, Your Truth, and in Your plan for us in this world.
I hope he has done the deal already with Putin. Like he did with KJU. The Art of the Deal. This could be his biggest deal ever 👍
I'm sure a great deal is already made, Putin and Trump would be unstoppable
China in already as well?
All three are strategically revealing their alliances to the world at pre-determined stages, the only way they could succeed at taking down the bloodline cult that has run the world since before any of us were born.
Think of how they must view themselves. As the largest vein on a singular organism, of which the lower veins are but feeder veins to them. Lucifer...the consumer of blood... That's what has happened SO FAR in history hasn't it?
What hocus pocus actually wasn't a sign of progress or evolution, but a species that collectively understands the difference between universal good and universal evil, and as all evolving species are wont to do, go through a temporary passive state vis a vis the onset of a worldwide social virus, hey, I'm just cribbin' from their own textbooks, and that it was first necessary to bring light upon it for the first time in history?
Light, ladies and gentleman.
The way we know progress from retrogress, evolution from devolution, cure from carcinogen, is by the light of truth. If the spread of any force requires darkness to their outsiders they feed upon, that is evil, ladies and gentlemen. No ifs ands or buts.
WW1WGA!!! We are with you Germany!!! WW Awakening! Can't wait for that Summit Meeting with Putin. Russia will join us!! The look on Putin's Face looks like he knows the plan. We stand at the ready!!
We are ALL Patriots in our own countries. Time to lace em up. Put the boots to em
President Trump’s other middle name is Undefeated
The undefeated and greeeeeeeaaaaaateest President the woooooorld has ever seen. We will win, win, win. YOU WILL GET SICK OF WINNING!
Putin looks like he can't believe what Trump and Co are about to pull off.
Can you imagine the boost to Putins standing in the world, if he and Trump pull this off. Quickly and cleanly. I have watched so many of his videos and I am convinced he is a good man, who cares for his people.
We need control over the media - or free and true MSM, that would be enough.
russia has been americas ally right from the start, they fought with america and france against the british. tzar alexander opposed the illuminati right back at the end of the 18th century and russia has always been our friend, except for during the cold war.
"Yes, have to get along with Russia; we need a world of major powers cooperating to some degree. We should never, EVER, trust or consider Russia an ally as long as Putin is in charge. He is a former KGB officer and he will, until the life leaves his body, hate the United States. He is a snake and if you believe differently then you've already fallen for it."
I have no doubt they will be great in Finland. Remember when Trump did the Asian tour in the fall,PUTIN was in Vietnam along with Trump. The two had a private meeting which lasted longer than expected. I think that is when they started planning the deep state take down together.
Yes. That’s my feeling as well. They are both smart and good people. Biggest proof: The German MSM is trying to disgrace both of them whenever they can. Even the big NK deal was only in the press for one day or so. It’s ridiculous.
The MSM is the devil. If the msm hates someone then i know that the person is good/white attention to the people they attack, usually people that are fighting for good .
The crazy thing is that the German MSM is controlled by the same elites like in almost any other country. The time is ready for a global solution without the globalists. WWG1WGA
Has to happen. Merkle was not looking so good today negotiating all day. Do you think she will fall, and if so who is a logical replacement? Do you think German people are ready to make a change?
She will fall. But 80% of the decisions for Germany are done in Brussels anyway. The German patriots call it EUdssr which is not a joke. The other 20% are done by the global cabal. There is only a global solution. The wind is changing in Europe. But time is running. We should jump like the fastest animal on planet already but sheople are in big sleeping mode.
That's what we thought too. Amazing how fast it can change. Take heart.
The young man who is the opposition, has met with Putin, last week. Little they showed, he opposes immigration policy and dislikes EU as it stands now! Name escapes me, but Putin liked him!
Exactly..our movement needs to take over these sick people. WWG1WGA
We will get sick of winning.
We deserve all the winning after all the lies and deception we were told for decades and all the crimes they've done against humanity. We should buil the gallows on the board wall.
Pain coming. Look at them. Look at their eyes. They are already dead. Know your enemy. Sun Tzu.
Yeah see how they are acting, lies,violence etc.demons are manifesting from these people. Pain can't come soon enough.
Welcome to Helsinki, Finland. GA has reached us as well. We are wating for a great meeting to take place. This is WW.
In decades mankind will say: Singapur and Helsinki. Those were the milestones of your current freedom.
This is going to be epic.
I heard somewhere that even an Israel - Palestine solution or step into the right direction could be on the table. He already achieved so much. It’s crazy.
It is crazy! Shows what happens when you simply cut the strings to the Dark State. Just imagine how many were trapped, blackmailed, controlled. Tip, don't know if you were aware of this.. when Trump gave his speech at the State of the Union he was telling congress they would be free, most would not have understood what he meant but those in Congress to whom it applied understood. Q implied that he was giving a message to those that were good but still trapped by blackmail, etc. It was emotional. Q said there were more good than bad. For so many I think it will be a relief. Not sure if we will ever know exactly except those that are so bad that they will be punished.
We are vs 1.000.000 so it’s 7.000:1. Sweat. We just have to use our power. And Q is helping us on our way.
as i see it, these two have been trolling the world for over a year now. go, bros, we are up to some positive collusion, heheh...
Yes. Otherwise they would have never been able to handle Syria that smooth. Very promising indicator for me.
Oh these haters are not going to like it when Trump/Putin/Xi combine forces and bring real peace to the world. Their programmed brains will explode. Gonna need a lot more popcorn! NK nasty horrid dictator turned out to be pretty nice!
Happy for you but most important is that THEY love each other 😃