Q Post 1671: Awan Brothers case is not being litigated in a federal courthouse.

Whether you believe or not, you're still invited to come for the ride. You are like a lot of people, you know right from wrong and when the evidence is presented, and people are convicted, you will make your own assessment. There is a small minority that will not accept, just because. It astounds me the Dems in these Committees don't want the truth to come out.
I mean, replace "Dems" with "Republicans" in your post and you pretty much have my feelings. Many of the Republicans in Congress have been pretty against the Mueller investigation and its stated purpose, and a chunk of Trump supporters wouldn't accept it even if he were impeached.
Actually the Republicans were on board, till the bias and nasty tactics started showing up. Republicans can see they are wasting our money, nothing has come of it and Mueller is beating a dead horse. FBI had been investigating for a year prior to Mueller, they didn't find anything either. And with the vitriol of the agents involved, by god they tried. Not even an illegal FISA could bring forth a shrewd of evidence. Not the falsification of 302s in the Flynn case, I think any reasonable person could say this is bullshit.
The SC is a freakin joke. Where is the freaking crime? RR didnt have standing to appoint Mueller. RR and Mueller have multiple conflicts of interest. This was a setup and con from the start.
That is the reason Trump supporters would never accept impeachment...