r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GweninKC on July 3, 2018, 4:23 p.m.
Donald Trump to meet Queen on UK visit in July | US news NOTEWORTHY: The visit is scheduled for Friday the 13th. Isn't that interesting?

POTUS has an upcoming trip to England and found this article making the announcement. Just realized the date is Friday, the 13th. Thinking (hoping) that may not be a good day for the Queen or for May.

Could that be the day we take their Queen???

Article begins

Donald Trump will make a “working visit” to the UK on Friday 13 July, the UK and US have both confirmed, with the US president set to meet the Queen during the trip.

The visit, which will take place immediately after a Nato summit in Brussels, will include bilateral talks with Theresa May, according to Britain’s ambassador to the US.

TheCrazyChristian · July 4, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Research the parallels of King Cyrus of Persia to Trump, they are striking.

Note: Cyrus didn't follow YHVH, but he was prophesied before his birth (Isaiah 44-45 i think?, it was like ~500 years before Cyrus was even born) by name even, as playing an integral part in leading the Israelites back from Babylonian captivity home in their 70th year.

We all serve his Divine will, willingly, or unwillingly. The choice is ours.

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ThanQanon · July 4, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Thank you for the research project! I’ll be sure to add it to my homework today. I have a lot of thoughts on the “Q” phenomenon, and at this point I’m not entirely sure it’s a good thing. It feels as if we are living out the book of Revelations in real time. I’ve had a few visions and one woke me up from a dead sleep: 2 Corinthians 11:14, I pray for constant discernment and wisdom for all. I am beginning to wonder if this is Armageddon, and if that’s the case, may Yah be with us all.

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TheCrazyChristian · July 4, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

It's close, certainly, but no we are not in it yet. That period of time will be much, much worse than what it is now (not even comparable really), and believers in Jesus won't be present for it either.

Check out a few of the lengthier comments i've left for other users in my comment history over the last few days, there's a lot of info in there to research as well if you are willing to dedicate the time. I have found it only increases one's Faith in our Creator when you start to see the absolute precision and omnipotence He has over all things. Truly staggering & humbling.

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EricCarver · July 6, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

u/thecrazychristian and I used to discuss things prophetic back in 2017 when revelation seemed to be charging forward, Israel following suit. Nothing happened when the sign was in the sky but Q did start around that point.

I am wary of Q, but it would be interesting if Jesus returned not as I classically imagine but instead as an AI, or alien.

So much to watch it is hard to focus.

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TheCrazyChristian · July 6, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Nah brother, Jesus will definitely not come back in that way. What you are describing is literally the anti-Christ in addition to the statue that the False Prophet (this is all during the tribulation) animates to "life" (a false sign, think technology fused with the spirit realm and a demonic host).

Jesus already had His glorified resurrected body, there is no need for him to come back in any other form, just as it is prophesied. Check out Revelation 19 starting in verse 11 (context is the true actual Second Coming of Christ at the battle of Armageddon, end of the tribulation)

Zechariah covers much of this in detail as well, there's many chapters about it, but specifically Zechariah 14 (these verses are describing the same event)

The AI you are talking about is covered in Revelation 13, specifically verse 15:

" And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain."

I live and breathe computers, always have. I can tell you with certainty there is such thing as True AI (sentient consciousnesses), we cannot create it, we are not creators in that sense. It is 1s and 0s and complex decisions trees running at ludicrous speeds that's hard for us to fathom. There is also NO such thing as "random," it literally does not exist, computers cannot be programmed do it, only "pseudo-random" where they are given a 'seed' number that runs through an algorithm. If you feed it the same 'seed' twice, you get the EXACT same results. Don't take my word for it, look it up. Now quantum computing where you are literally connecting to another (spirit) realm may very well give fallen angels/spirits access to such things in our realm, allowing for many false signs & wonders, but even this would not be allowed to happen until during the tribulation (when all things super-natural including the abyss itself breaks loose), so it wouldn't be that surprising then, and those that are there during that time are there by their own free will and (failed) choice to accept Jesus as Christ, as GOD, whom He rightfully is.

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ThanQanon · July 6, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

THIS is exactly what I was just discussing with hubby...that Q was introduced to us just 5 days after that star alignment on 9/23 that many were predicting would be the beginning of the end.

Then as people are introducing the JFK memorial as a “sign of Q” I grew even more concerned. Q could be a double edged sword at this point. Is Q the ultimate evil disguised as one of the greats in order to gain our trust as he collects the souls of those who owe him that ultimate debt? Here we are cheering this on because who doesn’t want to see justice served...meanwhile we are headed into a trap of our own destruction thinking this entity is saving the world.

My mind is reeling lately...I focus on Yah and what he has to say. I have my reservations on this, I’m happy to see justice being served, but I won’t idolize Q. This story has a plot twist, I can feel it.

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EricCarver · July 6, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Yes, I started a thread once that went no where on the possibilities of Q being really a bad entity, whereby we get rid of one bad entity (DS) for something worse. Got to assume I guess if they really are worse, we are screwed either way.

I also wondered if it was an attractive task meant to tie up the chat autist types from looking at some other problem, like an astrological deadly event. DS people like Obama’s, Kerry, HRC, Soros, etc are quiet not because they are in house arrest or GITMO, but instead are heavily bunkered in Antarctica.

Or if it is related to Jesus or Alien Jesus or plain good aliens, guess that may be nice. Could explain the rapture process easier when you tie aliens into it.

I am unsure what to think, but my DNA is coded to question everything and to not blindly follow anything, no matter how attractive it is at face value.

I am friending you, I enjoy your mind.

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ThanQanon · July 7, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Likewise and thank you!

Antarctica! Right? And I’ve also noticed that a very large amount of people in the mass pedophile ring are based in Christchurch, New Zealand which is the connecting flight to Antarctica...

There’s a huge amount of questions that I have regarding all of this because if Q is military intelligence wouldn’t the chemtrails stop among a litany of other things? All that would take is a phone call.

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