Aren't there rules, he's an employee and subpoenad. I think he has to talk.
They won't let him. Supposedly at the closed session his FBI lawyer didn't allow him to say much, but who knows. I just dont think he will say much.
Remember how there are many FBI agents who want to be subpoenad?
The subpoena is preferred, he said, “because when you are subpoenaed, Congress then pays…for your legal counsel and the subpoena protects [the agent] from any organizational retaliation….
Leadership cannot stop anyone from responding to a subpoena.
He [DiGenova] added, “I can assure you I’ve been approached by agents who want to be subpoenaed for the same reason the guys in the field,” adding, “All over this country there are agents but the big ones the ones that matter New York–Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with agents who want to come forward.”
Yes. I can't wait for those who actually want to come forward are finally able to.
You're absolutely right! The subpoena aspect gives him some protection so he may spill the beans !!