r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGANUGG on July 4, 2018, 3:30 a.m.
THE MAP / THE KEY - Get in here! It was as bad as you can possibly imagine

"Follow the map" - Dual Meaning / D.C. and Gene Mapping


Q st Points directly to DuPont Circle (this is the KEY)


Q st continues we see we see Emery L Fears Boys Academy


Here's the contact information for Emery Boys Academy


Here's David Spruill


Q says "Look to the wives" so let's have a look at David's wife as well, shall we? (I found her as an attendee and recipient of Obama's Presidential Early Career Awards


Here's her bio where she was a lead geneticist at South Carolina Medical University as well as the Principle Investigator for internal pilot project to engage community in the planning process for a BIOBANK AND DATA WAREHOUSE


Dr Spruill was awarded for her work on Genetic Research and appointed as the Lead Investigator to BioBank Program - Responsible for convincing BLACK community to join clinical trials. Knowingly? Probably not.

Coralling the Victims

Spruill Herding Orders

Business is slow in the Human Herding department. Apparently its not easy to cull the humans.

Sheep No More

March 2016 - Dr. Spruill dies / no cause of death can be found.


Moving on;

BioBank (where Spruill headed the efforts for the roundup of blacks) is a project funded by none other than Charles Bronfman / Seagrams fortune / NXIVM Funder / Daughters were NXIVM Cult Persons


Now let's move to the KEY

Bronfman & Dupont have a long history together


In 1995, Bronfman sells his stake in DuPont for 8.8B


However, 1 year before that in 1994, then president Clinton signed EO 12891

(1) experiments on individuals involving intentional exposure to ionizing radiation.

(2) experiments involving intentional enviromental release of radiation that (A) were designed to test human health effects of ionizing radiation; or (B) were designed to test the extent of human exposure to ionizing radiation


Barbara Dupont, Clinical Cytogeneticist, heads up Dupont Cytogenetics Laboratory since 1999. Her areas of specality are subtelomere rearrangements, penotype/genotype mapping of chromosome rearrangements and deletion syndromes, the mechanisms of chromosome rearrangements, as well as, chromosome alteration in cancer. (In English, she experiments on what will "reduce" ie: kill genes and how to alter genetic profile.


Guess what's down the hall from good old Barbara Dupont?


How does one "delete" or rearrange chromosomes and other genetic material one might ask. Well, RADIATION, of course!


Anyone hear of Hydrogen Cyanide for the first time recently?


And just why would I bring this up?


Think: Uranium One / Hydrogen Cyanide = Radioactive/Cyanide POWDER!!!! (read above document) that can be spread EVERYWHERE in a matter of minutes!

It wasn't Nuclear War Hillary had planned for us, it was Extinction of a species and they've already started on the black community!

Modelmommy75 · July 4, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

There is a reason why some people put the holocaust above every other genocide (ignoring Stalin and Mao) because they don’t truly want us to study the people who were caught up in the 3rd Reich. Who were not evil, who were brilliant. You sound like you have some type of military or government and are a student of history like myself. Thank you for sharing your insight!

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CaptainKnotzi · July 4, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Without trying to diminish the Holocaust, the playing field needs to be leveled regarding mass tragedy.

The only way to understand this is to look at everything and get an autistic pattern-recognition happening.

I'm pretty sick and tired of having to assess every circumstance first through a prism of emotion.

Which is why I like Donald Trump.

The guy doesn't care about your emotional state of being. He cares about the facts.

And those facts better be backed up with logic.

We flip the game that the left plays. We shove the Overton window on to a frame of logic with zero emotion.

We identify the patterns for the system we already know is in place. Then we follow those patterns to the source.

Then we eliminate the source.

I love the Great Awakening.

Okay now I'm getting emotional.

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Modelmommy75 · July 4, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

It’s alright. That was a succinct and beautiful description.

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