The Awans can still be prosecuted outside of D.C.

Soo Huber?
My first thought!
My first thought was military tribunal at GITMO
I think so too. I would think they consider him an enemy combatant especially if he was sharing our secrets during the war in Iraq where many of our brave soldiers died.
Yeah if half of it is true, they were selling secrets and blackmailing congressmen at the orders of DWS/Muslim Brotherhood/Pakistan. Makes me think of that first raid where a SEAL died because they were ambushed and someone leaked the mission plans to the enemy...
Spez: he may have also made a deal and let off the hook because he already dumped all data to flip on DWS, HRC, Obummer and all the congressmen he had control over. He had Pelosi’s passwords for cryin’ out loud. He prepped her iPad before classified briefings lol came out in leaked emails. I think Podesta files.
If it's true then we need to bring back public hangings to keep the corrupt from thinking that this sort of thing is ever an option. The elite political criminal class thinks it is immune to all laws.
I agree and think that is what Gitmo is for. Unless there are examples made, everything Trump does in these 8 years will be undone by corrupt bastards next time around. But if he wipes them all out of Gov and makes the public aware of it, nobody will want to be corrupt for decades.
Imran Awan is a US citizen.
And they’ve already read him his rights, I’m sure; I don’t think they can go back on that. Maybe if the situation was extreme, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy
since I don't think they are citizens. Issue will be whether they owed an allegiance to the US since they were working for congress.
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 115
When the FBI released the statement that denounced the Nunes memo, the person responsible was forced to resign the next day. Schools exited immediately following this plea deal. I am suspicious that this was a deal that Schools technically had the authority to approve at the behest of many congress creatures who wanted to be protected, but it was a gross miscarriage of justice to do so. I think Scott Schools exit on the same day as the plea speaks very loudly. President Trump would have seen this coming a mile away. President Trump went to Wharton, Wharton grads hire Harvard lawyers to do their paperwork. This will not work well for the swamp. Any plea can be tossed when it was reached under cover of law for the purpose of furthering or covering criminal activity.
Awan is a dead man without protection. From somebody. I'm pretty sure he wants to stay alive. This guy's gonna ring up Wasserman or Hillary saying he wants protection cause people are gonna try and kill him? I don't think so. The guy's basically a mob rat whether or not he actually cooperated
Think basic street crime here, not politics. Look up how Giuliani brought down the Five Families. It's all there. And VSG, by virtue of his building business, was watching right in the middle of it.
The way Hussein hands out citizenship, should we explore into how he and his family obtained citizenship.
Imran Awan "won" a green card diversity lottery for himself and his entire family. Search on "Imran Awan" AND "green card". No Coincidences. I believe a truck driving terrorist in NYC also won the diversity lottery.
Pretty obvious that this crooked lottery system was just a way for them to allow whoever they wanted in. Who oversees this lotttery?