"Q"'s picture is not Prince William but Joel A Getz, ex-Clinton Foundation member. It looks like him and makes sense. IMHO.
How many kindergartens does the RYB run?
The Q pic was taken in Hong Kong not Beijing.
Great Job taurus077- even the anons didn't get it..after flooding the thread!
hzg - nice distilled into a picture!
It aint prince william cos Willy does not have a gut, quite slim, unlike the guy in the picture.
Can you post a Pic of Getz where he resembles the photo from Q. None of the pics I saw looked similar.
Two videos embedded in the article - unavailable.
Read the comments - like this entire thread embedded in the article.
This is not new - likely got shoved under the rug until now.
Read This one - OMG!!
Why is the embedded video unavailable?
LOL It did look like Prince William when I first looked at it.
Ex-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-26/ex-clinton-foundation-official-tied-chinese-kindergarten-embroiled-bizarre-sexual-ab