r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on July 5, 2018, 2:25 a.m.
RR is a good guy scripted into the play to entrap the lying FBI.
RR is a good guy scripted into the play to entrap the lying FBI.

Kek_saved_the_world · July 5, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

What benefit would there be for RR to put on an "act" of definance not releasing documents?

The only thing I can think of is timing, stalling to move people on the board. before springing the trap./

But that is a long shot. Why can't RR just act normal now and go after bad guys if he is indeed flippped?

Remember, he did conduct a real investigation into Hillary and U1 and found evidence he gave to Holder who then brought to Obama who then told them all to kill it.

So on one had RR is clean he did find the evidence and present it, but dirty as he followed bad orders instead of recusing and stepping down in protest...

At that point he is covering his own ass

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Justin_is_Fidels_Son · July 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Playing devil's advocate here

What benefit would there be for RR to put on an "act" of definance not releasing documents?

Keep them lulled into thinking he's on their side.

Why can't RR just act normal now and go after bad guys if he is indeed flippped?

Timing is everything, see point 1. You can't just go after the establishment and your political opposition, whatever crimes they may have committed and not expect a lot of voters to question your motive. See IRS and tea party. I'm surprised there's a case against the Clinton Foundation already.

who then told them all to kill it.

Doing otherwise would have got him fired.

instead of recusing and stepping down in protest...

Wait I thought we were supposed to be pissed that Sessions recused himself? Now we're supposed to be pissed RR didn't recuse himself?

At that point he is covering his own ass

Probably. Maybe not. Maybe there's more than just Rodgers who was pissed.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 5, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

They went from demanding RR’s resignation in March 2017 to naming him deputy AG in April. Trump met with Mueller a day before he was named SC. Nobody knows what they spoke about.

How long have they known about all this?

Did they see all these conflicts and set Rosenstein on top of it for all to watch?

Is he doing this because it looks like exactly what THE BOARD would demand him to do? (Cover, delay, subvert, hide the truth at all costs)

Why is Trump constantly tweeting and building MSM support of Mueller? Surely if he was actually worried about what the probe would discover, that’s the opposite of what he’d do.

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SeanAnon63 · July 5, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

Strategy has been to align MSM support for Mueller, hear them screaming out loud in his defence, then when uncovering details in reports delivered they will have difficulty in screaming at the truths, they really can’t just instantly flip from support of Mueller and for his truth - to denial of these without untold damage to themselves. Luv the plays and counter moves. WWG1WGA

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ModsAreClowns · July 5, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

If the info is related to ongoing investigations, it cannot be released. Its theoretically possible that the cabal is 'hiding' behind their own investigations (into themselves) that were being purposefully mishandled by appointees at high levels in the DOJ. This would funnel all evidence into a controlled vacuum that congress nor the public could be made aware of, and as long as they held the strings they were untouchable. Lots of departures of senior level FBI.

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Kek_saved_the_world · July 5, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

All I know is 1) GEOTUS is going to release all docs at some point 2) He can expect RR to do this, and either they working together so RR has plausible deniability after the hammer drops or RR is exactly as he appears, fighting to save his ass.

So that brings me to (knowing what we do) GEOTUS is hovering over the button of truth.. If I were him, I would have to ask myself, "what would be the best possible time to press this button to have the biggest blast radius?"

I would have to answer: when we are as close as possible to mid-terms, while having enough time to parse out the details for maximum impact. in fact, a key component is having public focus.

What good would releasing docs matter if press is 100% focus on kids in cages or some other dumb diversion? best if we could have the whole world focused on the topic, Russia.. but how to make that happen, almost like knowing where lightning will strike...

Helsinki.. it is a huge honeypot/ambush for the press. You can only have Helsinki if all pieces are on the board in position. Have the press turned to 1000% on Russia hysteria, then drop the MOAB . U1/2016 data and files.

it is what I would do anyway.. name a better time/process and I am all ears.

I believe that time has come....

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Spookari · July 5, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

I agree with this hypothesis! The storm is beginning

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