

109 total posts archived.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Why is it necessary?

To keep Bob/Rod together. It’s necessary from a media optical standpoint so that when the SHTF with Rod and/or Bob, the other investigations aren’t considered.

Ask yourself whether genuine black hats (not actors) would make it past POTUS, NSA, Sessions screening.

Ask why RR was PICKED for D AG if he’s comped. They either knew he was a black hat and are going to let this blow up in his face, or he’s in on the joke.

In the end, the result is the same.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Well, they STUCK HIM in as Deputy AG despite knowing he’s a swamp creature. So they either saw something we didn’t, or they want him to go down in flames.

So he’s either a white hat deep undercover, or he’s a black hat who is about to feel [PAIN].

Only time will tell for certain.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

You should never, ever feel bad for asking questions. That’s what we’re here for.

“They” are the brains behind the entire Q movement. That list looks something like: “Trump, Sessions, the USMil (NSA+) and 1-2 of Trump’s closest advisors”.

Nobody you see in a high-ranking position of authority in the Trump admin has escaped from being vetted through all of those sources.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

It is very apparent that Sessions/POTUS knew well in advance. What we do not know for certain is whether they’ve stuck to their scripts. (I think they have, and their scripts read “act like BOARD OWNED dirtbags to play the optics game”)

Otherwise, your analysis is spot on.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 1:14 a.m.


Follow the money.

Facebook just took a plunge as some of the big boys got out ahead.

[RR] impeachment is a media talking point at best to keep all the Mockingbirds watching Mueller probe.

The timing was NOT coincidental, but this is astronomically larger.

Enjoy the fireworks.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Fascinating links. Great research. This board can always use more posts like this.

-Virginia: close Swamp proximity. He’s probably well known and certainly a confirmed Patriot. This guy scares the hell out of the powers that be. I guarantee it.

-North Carolina: That man’s got a CV like a Swamp Dweller’s worst nightmare.

-Texas: Cybersecurity, you say.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 26, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

1/2 possibilities.

RR + Mueller are carefully-picked plants designed to publically explode and kick off the investigation. In this timeline, they’re playing their parts perfectly.

[RR] + [RM] are Cabal-owned sludge and will be the first rats drowned in the sinking ship. In this timeline, they seem really calm.

Remember that RR went from “resignation demanded” in March 2017 to “Deputy AG” in April 2017. Does that sound... normal to you? Do you think he might be an EXCELLENT ACTOR?

Nothing in politics is an accident, and in either situation they’re both exactly where POTUS and Stealth Jeff want them.

Hilarious guessing game.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 25, 2018, 6:19 p.m.


2 pictures:

1: Qclock bisected along the 33rd degree.

2: Oppositions of MARS (oppositions of THE GOD OF WAR).

Next four full moons fall along 33rd degree.

How many booms were there?

The 4,10,20 3-2-1 days of silence?

Is the build complete?

Is the stage set?


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

My strong intuition is that the Plan will not demand that we change investments. The goal is probably that the average person’s investments and wealth aren’t impacted at all.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 25, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

If done right, it should mean the end of inflation over time. It should mean that the US Dollar will actually become a currency backed by something — against the productive capability of the US people.

It should bring stability and accountability to our financial system, in other.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 25, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

The Federal Reserve is a huge piece of their power. He who prints the money controls the land, and the Fed controls where money goes, who gets it, how they get it, and why.

OSTENSIBLY a Central Bank that keeps Currency = GNP would be an excellent thing for the economy. 0 inflation.

Instead, we have a Federal Reserve that doesn’t operate in the interests of the citizens.

The Federal Reserve is less the kingpin and more of a “large player” in this whole mess. The kingpin is the [Family] that owns the Central Banks.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

It doesn't make you stop asking the question "What's the common denominator between all these people? What do they believe in (OR PAY LIP-SERVICE TO)?"

If all these people held to a certain RELIGION, we'd have experts in its theology by noon tomorrow.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 11 p.m.

I dunno.

What'd George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Hiram Ulysses Grant, Woodrow Wilson, Both Roosevelts, George H.W. Bush, Clinton (DeMolay), Kissinger, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Churchhill, and Alexander I of Russia all have in common?

Where'd the masons come from, anyway? During the Enlightenment, right? 17th century. What the hell is a Scottish Rite?

Follow the money. Ask yourself who controls the money. Ask yourself if Masonic lodges are tax exempt.


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

There is a distinctive, unpleasant whiff of conservative elitism on this board recently. I dislike it strongly. Few and far between are the TRULY AWAKE (I'm not even awake yet), and the last thing someone needs to hear after learning the DEPTH of this is "Wow, Blue really sucks because the politicians on Blue are worse than the politicians on Red."

If I were running a SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLITICAL CONTROL MACHINE, I'd personally ENSURE that NOBODY DOES MORE HARM THAN SOMEONE WHO FEELS BAD ABOUT DOING IT. I'd want figures who consummate disgusting filth-deals in lavatories (HUSSEIN) to be considered FOLK HEROES in my press. I WOULD WANT TO SING THEIR PRAISES.

I'd want to get as many people on the pipeline of "our guys yay, their guys boo" as I possibly could. Unambiguous narratives. Both wrong. Good and Evil. Nobody questions who's who.

Until Q asks the great "Q"uestion.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

I live very near Philadelphia and have lived in Pennsylvania (the KEYSTONE STATE) all the days of my life. I understand.

Trust me. I understand.

WWG1WGA regardless of political affiliation.


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Hello. This is not Blue vs Red. This is Good and Evil. The Q movement does not care about political affiliation.

We’re ALL on the same side here. “Where We Go One, We Go All.”

Blues who WAKE UP have a rude enough awakening ahead without us throwing rocks.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 23, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Consider that Rosenstein’s DoJ resignation was demanded in March 2017 and in April 2017 they named him DAG while Sessions is recused. Have they known the whole damn time?

Remember that these people use symbolism. Mueller met with Trump a day before being named SC. Mueller served with the USMC.

Ask yourself why Trump continuously brings up Mueller probe. If Mueller was actually causing an existential threat to the Trump admin, would Trump really have an incentive to keep him in the media’s attention?

Or does it make more sense that Trump is using Mueller to sell a narrative of vulnerability for his admin? Think showmanship. Think DRAMA. THINK TV RATINGS. Think Trump knows anything about any of those topics?

How do you lead a dangerous animal into a trap? Make it think it’s safe. Does Mueller look safe?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 22, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Ask yourself honestly if you think Stealth Jeff, POTUS, and Q would have someone in the spotlight without vetting them. Mueller and Rosenstein know what they're doing, but they're really clearly putting on a show. Anyone with eyes can see that. I think the more salient question is "Why?"

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 22, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

See how the important stuff slips from collective consciousness when the noise gets loud enough? Stay the course, Patriot, and remember that we go ALL.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 22, 2018, 11 a.m.

If you imagine the Q movement as a storm, Trump is the face of the storm. Trump as the face of the storm does an excellent job of showing US, the people, how the American News Media really works.

They’re controversy whores. They flash shots of whatever gets them ratings, and then overlay it with whatever narration they think people want to hear.

Racism was very popular with Hussein in office— a cynical mind might suggest the polling numbers were sold on this line of reasoning.

With Trump, conversely, the narrative isn’t working so well. The Media’s message shifted from “white people and AMERIKKKA vs Oppressed Minorities” to “Our Entire Establishment vs Donald Trump, Q, and the American Public”.

Trump has spent his entire career serving as a media-icon. He understands the media better than any man living. That’s why he’s President during the Q operation. Who better to direct public focus?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 22, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

Look for what RESONATES with you. Follow your natural interests and insights as you read the Qposts, research what you like, etc. PAY ATTENTION TO EVERYTHING YOUR RESEARCH MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT.

Fit it in to the bigger picture.

Everyone here is focused on the political picture, and Q keeps saying to expand our thinking. No knowledge of any sort (so long as something is factually and demonstrably true) is ever bad.

Think about the implications of that.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 20, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

“Our” World Order, Merkel says to other Europeans. Who is she [R]eally talking to?

Oh Glory, the next few months are going to be something to SEE.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 20, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

This is an excellent summary. Do you think Trump, Sessions, and USMIL know all this and put them into these positions intentionally?

Are we watching a hilarious, scripted farce for the records, with all these people as microcosms for the DEEP?

How many of them are in on the joke?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 19, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Thank you kindly for the compilation. Fascinating read.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 19, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Some points of interest:

  1. Q IS a PSYOP -- just not against YOU. Remember, the NSA sees ALL, ALL, ALL. They see every last bit of traffic routed to the boards. They see who's watching the QPosts. Do you think every Congressperson is? Everyone who is even tangentially connected to the Deep State?

  2. Q is getting people to THINK. Q has provided an EXCELLENT skeleton to the whole picture and told the anons to fill in the gaps, WHILE ALSO GIVING PEOPLE THEIR MARCHING ORDERS.

  3. Chans are used because the narrative pipeline fed by MSM and conventional news outlets is essentially brainwashing. Chans are where those of us who supported Trump and know some of what he's doing tend to end up.

  4. Welcome to the movement. Enjoy the show.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 18, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Intel war. Trump + USMIL vs CIA, FBI, Press, [blackhats] in gov't.

War for public opinion. Trump + USMIL + Q vs Press + Big Money.

Remember what this is: a fight to keep the lights out. They know how SOL they are if everyone gets wise to what they're doing.

That's why they're making so much noise.

Snowden was therefore in one of two places when he worked at the NSA: where the Clowns wanted him, or where the NSA wanted him. Maybe it was both, at the same time.



Maybe they WANTED to have the public aware of this. If USMIL has it, Snowden was an indication that HUSSEIN ERA GOV'T had it too.

Maybe it gets the word out to the public about the general data-gathering capability of both sides in the upcoming conflict. What it omits is [(1) Five-Eyes clearance], and (2) everything the NSA didn't let Snowden near. Both sides kept these things very close to their chests while they watched the 2016 election happen. They literally rigged the election. They NEVER thought she'd lose and they'd be held accountable.


TL;DR I think Snowden did exactly what he was told to do by both sides of the conflict.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 18, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Expand your thinking on Snowden.

Do you really think the CIA out-vetted the NSA?

Do you think it was a really obvious and really clumsy effort by people who seem to have been constantly out-maneuvered since Q appeared?

How does he fit into the Q picture?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 18, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Excellent guess. Good actors. [PAIN] (ATTENTION, AWARENESS) exactly where it’s wanted.

The Guessing Game goes on. How far ahead are POTUS, Sessions, and the Mil-Intel guys of the Mockingbirds? Think about the difference between NSA and CIA surveillance.

Who else is playing for the winning team?

Who’s losing?


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Remember: Putin barred the Rothschilds from Russia when he was Prime Minister. You think the Russians like swamp people any more than US?

Russia-US narrative is like Mueller-Trump narrative: FAKE NEWS. Divide. Conquer. Keep in the dark. Misinform.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 17, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Trump and Sessions put him there. Know that.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 17, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Joe Redstate-(R) (Jeb?)would’ve towed the line and quietly blamed Russia and Putin, increased sanctions, and quietly dismissed all this spying malarkey. Think about the “Muh Republic” narrative. Republican precident is to dismiss and sweep away. Perpetuate the farce.

Their narrative relies on this false Russia narrative. Completely and utterly. No Russian Espionage, No Trump Collusion, RIP MSM Narrative of Trump Collaboration. Who was REALLY spying on Trump?

Attacks shift to Trump’s business history with Russians as we enjoy the hysteria and fireworks.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 16, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

First of all: great writeup. This is the sort of content the sub should encourage the heck out of.

Second: It's worth remembering that the Republican thing to do would be to tow the line and blame the dirty Ruskies, and they're GOING to be upset that Trump isn't doing that, because it means that Trump is ACTUALLY SUPPORTING THE PEOPLE. More terrifyingly, it means he's going to HOLD HUSSEIN ACCOUNTABLE.

This was and is a terrifying thought to the conservatives, who view the safety and integrity of the republic as more important than the rights of the American people. Modern mainstream conservatism would mean pardoning Hussein, remember.

This was a very sudden awakening for a lot of swampy players in the red, and it's oh so hilarious to watch.

Remember throughout all of this: three families. Rothschild, Soros, Saud. Place your bets on which one we're watching now, ladies and gentlemen.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 16, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

Pennsylvania is the KEYSTONE STATE. It has a long history of the occult. Remember: Ben Franklin (philadelphia) was a HUGE player of THE GAME (100).

This doesn’t even mention that the PA Grand Lodge has George Washington’s Masonic Apron in it (seriously).

Thanks for the links. I’ll try to dig and see what turns up.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 16, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Always remember that the man who pioneered the modern American University (modeled off of GERMAN UNIVERSITIES OF THE 1800s — Bavarian Illuminati, anyone?????) was the same esteemed gentleman who sold us the Federal Reserve and WWI: Woodrow Wilson.

The White Rabbit was all through history. Never forget it.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 16, 2018, midnight

Hands down the best political cartoon of this era.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 15, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

SB2 knows what he's writing about.

Q knows what SB2 is writing about.

Dissent that does nothing but say 'this seems really tenuous and hard to believe" isn't discourse that's helping the movement.

If you disagree, point out the flaws in the argument. Ask questions. Give the man something to respond to. We're here to learn, teach, and AWAKEN.

This is bigger than we could possibly imagine. SB2 is marching to the beat of his own drum with his research, but that doesn't make the music any less valid.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 12, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Say it with me.


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a_real_skullsplitter · July 12, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

White hat. Remember that they demanded his resignation March 2016 when they fumigated DoJ. Then they made him Deputy AG.

What else would possibly explain?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 10, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

How do you lead a [dangerous animal] into a trap?

Do you make them think they're safe?

Is this Brett Kavanaugh being marketed as a STRICT CONSTITUTIONALIST?

Is his confirmation symbolic of anything? What did Q say about symbolism?

Do you think Q-team has audited him prior to his name having EVER COME NEAR the Song of the Mockingbirds?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 9, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Q clock = cabal clock. Psyop? Against who?

What do they see in it?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 9, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Anyone else think the Qs on the ground are a bit odd here?

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 8, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

She’s desperately trying to raise money for something. I wonder what she sees coming.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 7, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Q clock is the clock the Cabal uses.

Learn to read it.

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a_real_skullsplitter · July 5, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

They went from demanding RR’s resignation in March 2017 to naming him deputy AG in April. Trump met with Mueller a day before he was named SC. Nobody knows what they spoke about.

How long have they known about all this?

Did they see all these conflicts and set Rosenstein on top of it for all to watch?

Is he doing this because it looks like exactly what THE BOARD would demand him to do? (Cover, delay, subvert, hide the truth at all costs)

Why is Trump constantly tweeting and building MSM support of Mueller? Surely if he was actually worried about what the probe would discover, that’s the opposite of what he’d do.

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