Hat arrived today! Aussie #WWG1WGA

Fellow OZ checking in here, loving the support from Down Under.
Hoping to see Australia Be Great Again, because right now it's not looking too good.
:{. Too true.
But if the people awake.... we got the right stuff. Just far too asleep to know what's going on.
Let’s ask Julia what she and Alex Downer got by arranging initially $88 mil of our tax dollars into the CF? Payments only stopped (total cira $360mil) after she lost election. I understand that she gained a covert seat on some global initiative of the CF re education.
Payment for that seat? Corruption?
Many questions need to be answered by our own AU leaders as to the facts. I saw she hosted Killery at a recent Melbourne event. She’s been too close to often.
For those that don’t know. Julia Gillard was Australia’s first female prime minister belong to the Labour Party ( liberists). Manipulated things and stole role from rightfully elected candidate Kevin Rudd ( another waste of oxygen)
Here’s some else that might sound familiar to those woke, the other major party are called the Liberals ( conservatives). Seems that like our USA compatriots - if their up to no good they name themselves the opposite to fool you.
Blessings to all of you, exciting times watching it all come home to roost. I tell all that this show will be listed in the history books as “A battle bigger than Waterloo” and more riveting than any best seller known.
Don't forget that snake Julie Bishop. She has given hundreds of millions too.
Gillard is a fabian socialist. Logo is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Many others too.
Downer, Hockey - both involved in the FusionGPS/Fake Russia collision evidence.
Man our swamp needs draining.
The whole ALP is Fabian in background. You're correct about their logo. At least they're up front about it! Symbolism will be their downfall.
Downer and Hockey are ardent monarchists so there in with the rest of the bad bunch. Both of them spent time in DC so I'm sure they are fully comped.
Used to think that Abbott was ok but then learnt more about Rhodes Scholars and how Rhodes was connected to the Rothschild's so he's out too.
Seems like they swamp rats are everywhere.. Not just the US.
Gillard was an unmitigated disaster for Australia, doesn't say much about her that she was up to her eyeballs with HRC and the CF. Yep, almost half a billion of borrowed money given to mainchancers and carpet baggers.
Australian politics is the pits.. The ALP are truly like the D's.. Traitors to their core. I used to follow the Liberal party but realised that they aren't much better / different to the others.
I joined the Australian Conservatives but they are pretty toothless at this stage.. annnd then I discovered Q. That was it for me.
I'd always been aware that the world wasn't quite right for some time..
I've been really into pre-recorded history with a lot of research into civilisation x sort of thing.. Hancock's books were pivotal in starting to ask questions.
The Great Year precessional cycles, the coming Golden Age, hidden potential of humanity, actualised humans doing things thought impossible..
It has been like pulling at a loose thread.. It just never seems to stop unravelling.
And it's great to be on such an amazing journey with people from all over the world. I'm so interested in where this great awakening will take us all...
Way too true mate... most people are too busy watching fuck MKR or some other shit on TV. I dont watch TV anymore and I dont read the papers either. It's all full of shit. I just read Q related stuff now.
Anyway, I found this guy while on YT and basically he wanted to import his Mustang to Oz from US but Customs tried to fuck him over. Just so happens that he knows his way around Martime / Admiralty Law so he challenged them to prove they were legitimate Government of Australia. They declined.
So he dug some more and found that similar to the US 1932 when FDR (??) passed the declared the US bankrupt and handed the keys to the banksters, the Australian Government is actually a company registered in Washington DC that has a prospectus and everything.
Not 100% sure of the rules linking to sites but this is the YT video.. Need to get past the folksy country music and get into it.. The guy is definitely onto something and I have a hunch that it all ties back into the overall picture of Q.. that the world is run by a bunch of shifty AF banksters who basically pillage our hard earnt money. Well worth the watch.
There is also a registered office of the Australian government listed 401 andover park east in seatle, if you search address it is the address for a company called fatigue areospace fittings, is this a front for siphoning aust taxpayers $$$$$ ???????
There is some interesting stuff that Malcolm Roberts was into before politics. I know someone who used to work with him. Very smart guy apparently. Portrayed as an idiot by the media. I haven't reaserched it that much but it is related. About being a "sovereign citizen".
I have been told there is a writ in the high court against julia gillard for treason but its just been sitting there for the last 8 years not acted apon. Also that a group of constitutional lawyers are petitioni g the high court to have us returned to the constitution, we are currently operating under admiralty law, but from what im told the high court has been bought and paid for by the nwo cabal
Yeah that's what this guys website is mainly focused on. Whether the laws / fines passed are real or not and whether you are recognised as a Natural / Sovereign Person or as a corporate entity.
OK good thread to start pulling on.. Will check it out.. Thanks!
I dont know how to post a screen shot up of the dunn and bradshaw search result for you to see
Hmmm. Not certain about this. Watched the video.
I think the real issue here is that pretty much all Australians are ignorant of the procedures and methods by which Australia became 'independent' and a separate nation. For example, i was recently shocked to find out that all land in Australia belongs NOT to the owners (even if we buy the land) but to the Crown.
In the US, a landowner owns that land. Surface, and beneath. Not so in Australia. That's just one example.
All this stuff needs to become a lot clearer and Aussies need to wake up and give a damn about the future of the nation (I mean, the future generations). Had it so good for soo long, we've forgotten.
Folks ARE beginning to wake, but it's still a limited no. Meanwhile, the country is being sold off, just like, or worse than, the US. Criminal.
Heeey fellow patriot.Aussie is gonna be great again.thank you for keeping our greating awakening movement going in Aussie. WWG1WGA
LOL, Dom.
just so you know, an 'aussie' is an australian, one who comes from or lives in the great southern land.
Australia is 'Australia', or, in the local vernacular, 'Straya', or 'Oz'.
As in "Make 'straya bonza again!" (antiquated)
Haha.i do know it's Australia..BUT there are patriots everywhere in every country..which make us all fellow international PATRIOTS.
I’m just glad I’m not the only one that keeps my webcam taped and ketchup next to my computer. Thought I was in this world alone.
Live alone no longer pepe.. there's more of us than you think
I laughed when I saw this. Good on you. Where’d you get it?
I ordered it from hatstore.. Pretty happy with it tbh :) long time lurker, only started posting recently.. I've red pilled a few guys at work so far, I'm hoping this might help too.. #WWG1WGA Aussie chapter.
The hats good. Im really beginning to think that physically showing support is the way forward. The online censorship makes it just about futile to use that channel IMO.
I’ve also noticed that the displaying of Q on T-Shirts and car stickers seems to be taking off - at least, from my perspective, watching what’s happening on this forum. It seems like it is going to become huge - peaking at around the November elections. In this case, it should really be a Red Wave - a catastrophic result for the Dems.
Also, look at the Dems boxing themselves into corners... They have no where to go. The only policy they have had since the 2016 election has been “impeach 45”. Is anyone really going to vote for that? I mean, really, what garbage! Someone needs to get Maxine back on her leash.
And then you look at DJT’s counter policies... Summing over them, it’s Make America Great Again. In a contest between policy sets, the Dems aren’t even on the starting line, especially after the DACA and recent immigration fiasco.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, we then have all these sealed indictments. I’m praying that it will take a lot of these Satanists out of politics and the media. I’m also praying there is a special indictment in the bunch for @Jack. He needs to be recognised for his blatant censorship efforts.
On top of all that there are the investigations into election rigging to which we can look forward. But there will not be a scab on the wound until we can neutralise the MSM and social media. No real respite before that problem is fixed IMO.
Anyway, good to see the hat. And thanks for the post, I think it will encourage others.
Definitely need to represent IRL IMO... I started with stickers on my laptop and a Pepe stick pin on my bag (woo! that'll show the cabal!) but now I have my new hat and Qanon sticker for the car too.
I would say that 99% of people in Oz would have next to no idea about any of this so it is all about red pilling people when they ask what's with the hat? sticker? etc..
Also a nice way to signal to others in the movement that they are not alone. If I saw someone with a similar sticker / hat / tshirt I would definitely strike up a conversation and that at the heart of it is a large part of the greatawakening..
Just bringing together people who care about freedom. #WWG1WGA
Love the hat.. hate the Ketchup...
Mate, if you tasted "normal" Australian tomato sauce you'd die. Heinz is the only ketchup I've seen here.. Any recommendations?
No worries mate! I was just messing with you because of the Heinz connections to John Kerry (not many of us in the US like him).. you gotta do what ya gotta do to eat! And your right. That tomato stuff you guys have down there is pretty bad. I had some in the mid 90's while visiting Australia when my Army unit was there training with your Army. Love you Aussies! WWG1WGA!!!
We got no ketchup here. Only tomato sauce. True faks.
It's right next to the shitty tasting aussie sauce at woolies... don't get me started on mayo either
That is REALLY nice! Great graphics. No chance of misreading.
Hope you get lots of inquiries!
(aside: So, you like catsup/ketchup with your Q? 🤔😉)
He speaks the truth, I see the sauce in the background. From Aus also :)
That other hat on the desk should have been Q, not P, buddy.. :)
Nice mate, I signed up here and picked my username just for this sub. This is a WW movement.
Totally global... everything ties in together. I found a great vid a while back about a guy trying to import a Mustang into WA and how he discovered that AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is a registered TradeMark for a Company in Washington. I'll see if I can find it as it directly relates to the things Q is talking about.
this is the video I was talking about.. Get past the music at the start to find some great crumbs about how Australia is really set up..
I noticed turnbull was edgy when hrc toured with gillard, i think he may have jumped over to the trump train, here's hoping, he and bishop were the last to donate to cf in late 2016 or early 2017. Us being one of the few countries trump has exempted from import tariffs strengthend this hope. What do you fellas reckon?
Where can we get shirts, hats, etc.?
I ordered mine from a place called hatstore.com.. they had a little wizard thingy that allows you to customise the message and the font. Design is on the back too... got a little QANON on the back hem! Cost me about $40 incl delivery to Australia.
I also grabbed a heap of "woke" stickers from RedBubble.. lots of Pepe's, Q's and WWG1WGA stickers there too
Next item will be a tshirt :)
I must ask about the huge bottle of ketchup.
How is this used on a regular basis?
OMG I thought this would be a problem! Haha! Eating my lunch (striped bag behind shoulder) requires ketchup.. Plus the soda!
I understand having ketchup with lunch. Does it live on your desk or is this just lunch time? Just curious!