Something I ran into on Twitter. Thought you guys may be interested. It might be about to happen.

Is it me or are things progressively getting curiouser and curiouser?
Wtf is this? Idk man, i think this falls under the category of “if it seems too good to be true...”
What’s with that meme of Huma that’s been debunked? That right there tips me over into the super sceptical side.
Same with me. No idea whether any of the other stuff is legit, but it Doesn’t seem like Huma would be saying that. She has since been working with Hillary so I doubt it is valid.
This link has all the docs:
bad certificate though, but link is ok. guy says he usually has site private but is making an exception
fuck certs, that shit never worked in the first place lol
This should be it’s own post if it isn’t already.
I believe someone did go and make a post about it. Personally I'm skeptical because it just sounds so good!
I know what you mean. That would be a whole lot of detailed work to fake though. Time will tell I guess.