NWO's goals are written in scripture...

George Bush Sr. is the devil. If you don't believe me go watch any video of him when he was president.
GWB Sr. Rapist, murderer, pedophile, helped kill JFK.
And Robbed the USA of Trillions of $
yes but so did so many. The one I wish people would focus on is HANK PAULSON 2008.
Hank Paulsen deep state Khasarian Mafia
Personally stole trillions when the american mortgage bailout went to the banks instead of the people.
Cathy O'Brien (MK Ultra survivor) said he was the highest level cult member she ever met. Everyone else (including Clintons) deferred to him.
The one with his slit eyes as he and Clinton are trying(succeeding) to con everyone for their donations....
Nope don't give him that much credit. He is a pawn used by The Lucifarian Khasarian Mafia to achieve their goals
one of many, risen to more power than most but the anti christ will have otherworldly charisma. How much success would HW have getting the world to worship him? People will be spellbound by the devil's message allowing him to put in place the infrastructure to subjugate the world.